story idea #53

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How I died that night

You have apparently died a year ago because you have been wandering the earth and no can see you or touch you. You don't even remember anything about the time you were alive except an ID on you, that has your name.

On one such uneventful night, you suddenly wander into a guy who's confessing to his crush. Intrigued, you watch but the crush rudely declines and leaves while the guy cries. You walk up closer to him when a tear drop falls on your leg.

Strangely, it didn't go right through you like other things.

" Did it just! ", You gasped when the guy looked up right into your eyes. He can see you now.

From there, you started tagging along with him because he's the only one who can see you but he just wants to get rid of you. So you two strike a deal.
You'll help him get with his crush while he lets you stay near him.

It was a foolproof plan untill your memories of when you were alive started to appear and you realised that the crush is related to how you died.

(Maybe the crush is the killer!)

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