story idea #62

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" Hey, you are here again? "

" Today I have a reason to. "

" What might that be? "

" Our Music Shop is
closing down. "

" Wait! That music shop! Where you and the girl you like met each other. "

" *sigh* With this, every thing
we shared back then cease
to exist. Everything is just
a memory now. "

" You have never met her since then? How can a person just disappear like this? "

" I have no idea. I even learnt
the guitar so that I can play
the tune she often played for me,
just to remember her. "

" Move on then? Doesn't this mean that it's not meant to be? it's over 10 years dud— hey your phone is ringing. "

" Hm? Its an unknown number..! "
" Hello? Who is thi— *gasp* "

" What happened? Why do you look so pale? "

" I just heard that tune? "

" What do you mean? "

" The tune she used to play for me!
I just heard it on the other side and it's exactly how she played. "

" Really! "

" I— I think I found her finally. "


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