Snow drop part 2

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Nobody's PoV:

The sun was shinning into the room, waking up one of the two boys.
David let out a content sigh as he woke up, yet something didn't feel right. He looked around the room and noticed the water mage Lucas was nowhere to be seen. He got up and check the house but no luck. David walked out of Lucas's house and went on a 'Boat' hunt. Walked into his garden to see Kit and Plant aimlessly walking around to together.
Once Kit spotted David she rushed over and said, "Have your child back I've got to do some training with Polly so I'll see you later!" And with that Kit waved goodbye and ran off.
"Ur, Yeah bye!" David shouted back, "well she was in a hurry."
David turned to Plant and asked, "How you been Plant?"
"Good!" Plant responded. Every time David hear his child spoke it filled him with a parental sense of pride, "haws dad?"
David smiles at his child broken English it truly was adorable.
"I'm good, let us go my child we have plants to water." David announced while heading in the direction of the Tabipo memorial.

After both he and Plant had a moment of silence paying their respects to the dead David asked Plant to get the watering can while he checked over the plants to insure none of them were in bad shape and no part of the memorial was damaged.

       ~~~~~~~~~~le time skip~~~~~~~~

Once David and Plant have finished taking care of the garden David noticed the very water mage he was hoping to see as well as the very lighting dragon slayer he didn't want to run into.
David took a deep breath before walking over to them, "HEY- oooh.." David said as he walked over to the two who are arguing.
"What do you mean no?" Blake asked done-founded with what Boat had just said.
"No Blake." Boat says sternly.
"Wh- why not?!" Blake raised her voice not to the point of shouting but still louder than before.
"Becuase!-" Boat cut himself off when he say me just watching the two of them fight.

"Oh Hey David." He waved at me.
"Hey. What's going on here?" I ask.
"Nothing it doesn't matter." Blake sighed and then says, "well continue our conversation a different time."
She then left me and Boat alone. I looked at Lucas and he seemed a bit down, "Do you wanna talk about it."
He nodded and hugged me, "Blake wanted to kiss me but I really don't want to and she's not happy about it..."
I hugged time back and gave him my coat. He looked up at me and I smiled at him, "you don't have to do anything that you don't want to."

We stayed like that for a while just enjoying the warmth and embrace before Plant headed towards us carrying a large watering can, "Dad? Papa?"
I pulled away and cleared my thought, "well me and Plant have go and take care of the garden."
"Alright have fun you two." Boat says giving me a small smile which I could tell was forced.
"You we could use some extra help, what do you think Plant?"
"Papa, help!" Plant nodded with a large adorable smile.
Boat agreed and decided to help us with the garden.

~~~~~~~~~le time skip~~~~~~~~

Apart form Boat over watering a couple of my plants he wasn't that bad at taking care of them. I still would never leave him alone with them but still better than I expected.
A small yarn broke my chain of thoughts. I turned and saw Plant yarn once more, their eyes dropping from tiredness.
"I think it's Plants bed time." Lucas says as he picks up Plant.
We began to head over to my house me and Lucas making causal conversation mainly about what mission we wanted to do and when.
"Well I think our next mission we should go together." I say.
"That would be nice we haven't gone on a mission together in a while." I noticed Lucas's cheeks where reddening and he looked surprised for a moment.
"You good bro?" I asked, he nodded and mumbled something along the line of, "shut it Gallron." So I guess it was just Gallron and her teasing again, nothing new, I decided not to push it.

I don't want to take a difficult mission with Boat considering it's our first mission together in forever.
Before I knew it we where right outside my house. Boat when to tuck Plant in as I got us both some beer that I had in my fridge it wasn't anything too bad, not for us at Divinus Mania.
Once Boat comes back down to the ground floor he gladly accepts the offer and sits down on my couch next to me.
"Do you wanna talk about what happened with Blake?"I ask.
"I would." He takes a big chug of his beer, "Bbbut you don't have enough alcohol for that so we'll talk about that another time."
I chuckle at that "That bad?"
"Ohh, Yeah." He looks away for a moment.
Not wanted him to feel uncomfortable I don't push the matter further, "I'll be sure to restock for next time then."
It's Lucas's turn to chuckle as he stakes another swig, "So what kind of mission you wanna go on together?"
"Not sure..." I respond before taking a brief pause to think, "I looked at the board a few day ago when I took a solo mission and saw there was a mission to receive and transport some relic." I turn to Lucas who seems to be intrigued. "We could do that if your good with it."
He smiles at me and says, "Yeah I don't see why not. We can get it cleared with Brandon and Ritchie tomorrow."

(R.I.P Ritchie)

I agreed and we moved on to several different conversations though out the night, all good things must come to an end though and we said our goodbyes.

Part 3?

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