Gallron joins the team

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Unwelcoming chat part 3

Feel free to correct my spellings 😂

Nobody's PoV:
There in the main hall where they all drink (well most R.I.P Richie)

"So let me get this straight..." kit begins
"You found Gallron extremely injured when you were 12 years old and took her lackrama so you could let her take control of your body in order for her to heal."
Brandon then interrupts her by continues the story.
"She was healing for three years and then got... stuck?" Brandon raises an eyebrow at the last end.
"Yes." Lucas nodded.
"You actually got along with her until she went crazy." Brandon continues. "And killed bandits that a attacked your village."
"..." Lucas went silent and just nodded.
"Then in order to stop you and save you Nesso, your old teacher used all of his life force to seal Gallron inside your body."
"Unnecessary if you ask me. I only did it because they drove me to it." Gallrons voice rang inside his head "I know Gallron but I'm not going to tell them that yet... I'm not comfortable with that..." boat responded in his head.
"You okay Lucas?" Ritchie asked.
"..." boat once more just nodded not saying anything.
"And they've sent a bounty on your head now." Richie added with a concerned look.
One last nod from boat he didn't look at them. He just kept his eyes glued to the floor.
"This is awkward can we leave now or...?"
Boats eyes changed to yellow and his voice had an echo that seemed to belong to a female.
Just moments after Boat notices everyone starring at him in shock, worry and confusion.
"You guys okay?" Boat asked a very confused.
"Boat what was that?" Brandon asked standing up.
"What was what?" Boat asked looking up at him. Boat felt a little bit intimidated by Brandon's random decision to stand instead of is sit.
"Boat your voice changed like before." David answered. Everyone turned to David.
"This happened before?" Blake asked.
"This morning. It happened." David nodded.
"What are they going on about?" Gallron asked Boat.
"You tell me." Boat accidentally mumbled back not realising he mumbled it out loud.
"What was the Lucas?" Brandon asked.
"Mm? Oh nothing." Boat responded.
"Plant?" Plant asked looking at Lucas.
"Plant I'm fine. There's no need to worry." Lucas smiled softly at Plant.
"Plant..." Plant stood on the table in front of Lucas starring at him.
"Honestly!" Lucas said petting plants head.
"Plant doesn't believe you." David said squinting at him.
"Gallron just asked me what was going on and I  answered her that's it."
"Can't she see thought your eyes?" David questioned.
"Since when could she do THAT?!" Richie asked in surprise. 
"Wait wait wait. where talking about Lucas god right?" Immo asked
David sighed "Yeah Immo very observant."
"So why did Richie say she?" Immo asked
Boat face planted. Richie just started at him in disappointment and David burst out laughing.
"Immo my god is actually a goddess in other words she's a girl." Boat explained.
Immo's jaw dropped as he blurted out "wait who is that possible I though slayers gods and demons where the same gender as he person?"
"Not necessarily. It isn't common but it can happen." Everyone turned to where the voice came from it was Micheal who is just Shadow traveled in.
"Hey Micheal! what do we owe the pressure?" Richie asked.
"Well the spirits told me that something interesting was happening at Dinius Mania so I came to check it out." Micheal answered.

"Mm. Wonder what that could be?" Brandon said sarcastically else he glared at Boat.
"I seriously have no idea what your all talking about." Boat responsed
"Hey I know right like come on just spill it already." The female voice was back once more by this time was like it was responding to Boat himself?

Michael's PoV:

"Okay that was... different." I spoke. I have a suspicion I know what's going on.
"Boat the female voice behind your came back twice. Do you really not feel anything or even hear yourself?" David asked.
"I don't feel any different and I can hear myself perfectly fine?" Boat's confusion was a visible on his face.
"I think I know what's going on." I said.
"Please do enlighten us." Brandon responded.
"This could well be a side effect of the seal breaking." I pointed out.
"WHAT?!" Both Richie and Brandon shouted.
"Did you not tell them?"
"Nope... Not yet..." Boat mumble as he slide down his chair slightly.
"Grallron said she wouldn't take control and that she'll help me in battles."
"And you believe her?" Brandon butted in with his usual clam voice.
"Well yeah. I've known her for a really long time I can tell when she is plotting something but she was being genuine." Boat crossed his arms. "Besides if she wanted to do anything I'm sure she would have done it by now. Grallrons not exactly the patient type."

I cleared my thought. "Well as I was saying as Gallron hasn't been in control for a very long time. I'm guessing she's accidentally taking control randomly and isn't even realising."
"Wait that can happen?" 'Boat' covered their mouth and then started to freak out a bit.
"Omg I AM IN CONTROL?! UMMM..." Gallron looked at me and asked "how do I stop being in control?"
"Not all gods are evil even if they've made mistakes." It think to myself.

I raised an eyebrow "oh? You don't want to be in control?"
"I mean don't get me wrong I would love to be in control and kill you all... Most of you..." Gallron pauses for a moment. Then she sighs "but I know when I'm both out number and out matched. Besides it would make Boat very upset..." she pauses again.
"Alright. I'll be on your side but if it gets to boring I will spice things up a bit."
If your wondering why I let her do this is because she's choosing a side and revealing what's most important to her. From Thai I can tell she wants to be a good person but hasn't been given enough opportunities and that her friendship with Lucas is the most important thing to her.

1054 words I am a proud bean.😂

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