The age old meeting

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Nobody's PoV:

Today the hole guild or at least those who remained where having a meeting in the hall they all wanted to figure out what to do, now that the mourning is over. Well the mourning will never be over but at least the majority of Divinus is willing to move on.

"Well let's start off this meeting by congratulating David on him becoming my newly appointed right hand man." Brandon tried to start the meeting with a positive which did earn clapping from the guild as well as David making some kind of comment about how he knows he's amazing and how he is the only suited for the job.

"Well to the other point, Lucas should be coming back to the guild in about a month or so." Brandon informs his guild members.
"PAPA!" Plant yells with a large smile on his face.
"Finally it's been like four months since we've seen him." David says but you could tell he was a lot more pleased then what he was letting on.
"Well we also need to discuss-" Brandon cuts himself off as he looks out the window.
"Mr Brandon is everything okay?"
"Are we expecting visitors?" Brandon asked David.
"Nah, not that I approved of." He says.
"Then why are the protectors here?" Brandon turns to fully face David who responds with a shrug.

Dark swirls envelop the floor alone with the slayers causing all of them apart form their guilder to be swallowed in. Brandon mentally sighed before following his guild mates in.

Once the bright light and ear piercing ringing noise subsided the gang looks around only to find... themselves?
The past and the present merged into one.

XD wait till the next part

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