Ritchie x Devin

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Nobody's PoV:

It was a troublesome day at Dinius Mania unfortunately that meant. Plant hand to much chocolate milk and was running around like crazy. David was running after them making sure they didn't break anything but in doing so he had accidentally bumped into a door causing a very important photograph to come crashing down smashing to peaces on impact. Hearing the connotation one person in particular had rushed down from his office to see what happened.
"DAVID WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" That shout was form one of the two guild guild leaders that being Richie Diablos.
"IM NOT AN IDIOT HOW DARE ARE YOU!" David shouted back.
This continued for about half an hour. With ever second that went by Ritchie's temper grew until it was to the point he couldn't hold back any longer. His lightening went shooting out in  completely random directions. Ritchie never even noticed he was too annoyed to care he continued to scream and shout at David. While David was just being David and made the situation so much worse.
Luckily for the both of them Devin noticed all the lighting and destruction coming from the guild hall and immediately rushed over.
"RITCHIE!" Devin ran towards him and immediately tried to calm him down. He shouted at David to keep his mouth shut and not make the situation any worse than it already is. That's when Devin noticed the broken photo laying on the floor. He wrapped his arms and the out of control guild leader.

After what seemed like forever Ritchie's lighting ceased and was replaced my the a few tears dropping out of Ritchies eyes.
The photographer was of Ritchie, Brandon and a man standing behind them both with an arms around both of there shoulders. They were all happy and we're at an unknown location.
Devin comforted the exhausted, teary lighting mage and then ordered David to leave them be. Surprisingly he did jus what Devin told him to with no witty remarks added.

"Ritchie?" Devin's voice was soft and caring. He placed his hand on Ritchie's cheek and titled his head upward so he could look into those baby blue eyes.
"H-he broke i-it..." Ritchie managed to stutter out though shaky breaths.
"It's okay the actual photo it's self isn't broken." He say with a comforting smile.
"B-But the frame..." Ritchie looks at the shattered glass on the floor and then looks over at the broken black wooden frame that had white stars and patterns on. It was split into many different pieces.
"We can try to fix it." Devin helps Ritchie to the ground and leans him against the wall.
"There no fixing that." Ritchies puts his head in his hands and brings his knees up to his chest.
Devin sits beside him and hug him gently stroking his hair.
"Brandon's not going to be happy about this either." Ritchies mumbles.
"I know... I know..." Devin continues to run his hand though Ritchies hair until Ritchie is as calm and he's going to get.
"Thank you Devin." Ritchies gives Devin a small smile and get a big happy smile in return.

A little while later Devin let's go of Ritchie and walks over to the broken photo and picks up the photo. He sits back down next to Ritchie in the corner of the room and questions him about the man in the photograph. He smiles fondly and says "He's mine and Brandon's father..."
"You look happy." Devin rests his head on Ritchie's chest.
"Yeah... We were..." Ritchie said quietly. Devin gives Ritchie a reassuring smile.
"Where is this?" Devin questions.
"Oh that in Soladad." Ritchie's smile returns.
"It's looks beautiful." Devin complements
"It was..." Ritchie holds Devin tighter and gently rests his head on Devin's. His eyes flutter open and close for a few moments before he falls asleep content with this position.

Brandon's PoV:

I fly into the guild hall though an open window. I had just come back from a meeting with the other guild leaders when David ran up to me and explained what he had done. I will admit I'm pissed the fuck off with him. But instead of showing it I take a deep breath and explain why the photos important to both me and Ritchie he makes a sassy point like 'well why isn't it in your office why is it out side of your office just handing in a wall in the open.' I resist the urge to rip him to shreds. He told me that Devin is calming my brother down I sigh in relief upon hearing this.
I know both Devin and Ritchie have hug crushes on each other so I'm glad Devin's there for my brother. That's not getting him out of the big brother talk he's going to receive when they start dating but until then I have to get them both together. Not right now though.

I walk upstairs and the first thing I see is the state of the Picture frame. It saddens my heart to see it in this condition. I then turn my attention to Devin and my brother in the corner of the room cuddling. Ritchie's asleep and Devin's a blushing mess.
I walk over and ask Devin if he's alright. He nods and says "I'm trapped can you... umm... just move him p-please?"
I nod and attempt to pick up my brother but his grip on Devin is too tight.
"Sorry Devin looks like your suck." I chuckle a bit.
"O-oh.. grate.." he says sarcastically.
"Have fun." I say walking away.
"W-wait Brandon!" He calls after me.

After a while I got to the storage room to get a broom so I can clean up this mess. Once I get back to the room I noticed Devin had also fall asleep. Once I clean up all the broken pieces of glass I leave the room quietly and tell the rest of the guild not to disturb the two though I don't say why.

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