softer side and decteives part 2

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This is a part 2 of the probably never gonna finish one shot the softer side and deceives that I also am probably never gonna finish but I will be doing remastered versions and try to make like a 4 or 5 part series if y'all enjoy it

David PoV:

"And?" I ask
"Gallron?" Boat turns to the air once again and waits.
"She said she doesn't want to talk about it." Boat says.
"We need that information." Mario said.
"Sorry Gallron but it's really important we know.." after an awkward minute of silence. Boat spoke up "Alya is... Jupiter's previous host."All of us remained quite for a couple of moments before we were interrupted by a loud bang upstairs we all turned and ran to check on the two demons and saw Raijin holding Jupiter by the throat.
"I GET IT PUT ME DOWN!" Jupiter shouted sat Raijin.
"WHAT IS GOING ON!" I yell at the two in front of us.
Raijin and Jupiter don't move instead they just stare at each other eventually Jupiter kicks Raijin in the stomach making Raijin drop him.
Lucas runs over to Jupiter and helps him with his breathing.
"RAINDROP?!" I shout after him.
Boat holds Jupiter in a protective manager and I noticed Boats hole aura change as well as his dark blue eyes turning a bright gleaming gold and his Burgundy hair turning blue. His markings form his god form show up and glow a lot more then normal.
"Easy Jupy. Your okay." A female voice comes out of Lucas's mouth then I realise.
"Oh grate another take over to deal with fantastic." I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes at his added inconvenience.
"Relax I'm not in full control just enough for me to calm little Jupy here down." She runs her hand though Jupiter's hair.
"Good." I say bluntly as I turn back to Raijin.

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