Arguments lead to break ups part 2

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Brandon x Lucas

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Brandon x Lucas

Warning!! Blake being a little heartbroken bitch

Lucas's PoV:

Brandon didn't let go of me. The truth is I didn't want him to either, so we stayed like that until eventually we had to separate by a knock on the door. Brandon when to answer it as although I was no longer crying my eye where still teary.
"Hey David." Brandon welcomes as David makes his way into the room.
"Hey I heard yelling everything good?" David asks before see my teary, puffy red eyes. Noticing this I turned around and said, "f-fine. Just need a minute."
"Bro?" He walks over to me. David hugs me from behind and I return the favour by turning around and hugging him back.
After a couple of moments David pulls away with a weird look on his face.

David PoV:

As I hugged Boat I looked up to see Brandon squinting at me, his jealousy radiating off him. I pull away from Boat and say, "soo what were you two doing?"
"We were watching a movie." Lucas says scratching the back of his neck.
"Alone? Together?" I got closer to his face and this time I was the one to squint.
"Umm yes why?" Boat flicked me with his finger.
I back off and said, "enjoy Netflix and 'chilling'."
I heard the sound of loud flustered yelling coming come both the guys I had just left.

As I continued to walk around I noticed Blake with Viper. Viper looking like his was trying to comfort or give some sort of reassurance but not know how to. He's really struggling.
"Hello, dragon simps how are the both of you on this fine evening? Or are you depressed like everyone else today."
"I broke up with Lucas." Blake says crying into Viper who looks very uncomfortable by the hole situation.
"I never thought I'd be happy to see you block brain take her!" He gestures to Blake.
Vipers glee, I take Blake away form him and take her to her room for some ex-couple consoling, sing edition.
"So what happened?" I ask as Blake sits on her bed.
"I-I broke u-up with him because we... we g-got into an argument." She sobs.
"What was the argument about?"
"W-when he told me he kissed Micheal." She says.
"Ohhh... Right." I could only think one thing,
Don't laugh
Don't laugh
Don't laugh
Don't laugh
Don't laugh
Don't laugh
Don't laugh
Don't laugh
Don't laugh

(Not at Blake at Lucas for being a moron)

"That happened before you two were together." I tell her.
"Well we were going on dates and stuff wait. You knew!" She yelled at me.
"I'm pretty sure everyone does at this point."
"That makes it so much worse!" She puts her head in her hands in frustration.
"Look Blake, Lucas can't go back in time and prevent himself from being stupid."
"I know but..." I sigh in response.
"Blake would some context of the situation and reason behind the kiss help?" I ask, she nodded.
I began to explain the per-pressure form flurry and the fact they where having a private conversation. Since Boat had already told Blake about Abraham, I told her that was when Micheal warned Lucas about him.

She seemed to calm down a bit after some context which Boat should have really told her but considering he was and still is so embarrassed about it both he and Micheal are pretending that it never even happened. Which I also told Blake to which she sighed at.
"So what are you saying I should talk to Boat
and get back together with him?" Blake asked some sas in her voice but I let it slide.
"I'm not tell you two to get back together in fact I don't think it would be healthy if you actually did start dating again but what I'm saying is if you do want him again, your going to have some competition." I say, Blake seems agitated by that so I leave that discussion for another time.
"What I am saying is to talk to him and at least clear a few things up maybe don't shout at him, instead try to see his point of view in all this after all he is ashamed of it and probably feels very guilty."
"How would you know that?" Blake's tone turned from sassy to annoyed.
I return the annoyed tone by saying, "I've known him for a lot longer then you have Blake so I think I'm the better judge out of the two of us."
"Do you know why he's an alcoholic?" She crosses her arms.
"Blake. That's dangerous territory." I say getting quite annoyed with her insensitive voice.
"Also I won't say Lucas is an alcoholic he definitely drinks more than the average person but he can stop when he wants. Alcoholics are addicted and relay on alcohol to get by."
"So you don't know."
"I do know but I'm not tell you, especially when your pissed."
I then stand up and leave the room. I know she's upset but Jesus.
Talk about insensitive.

Lucas PoV:

After David left me and Brandon very embarrassed we spent a few minutes in awkward silence.
"David's an idiot." Brandon said out of the blue.
"You got that right" I chuckled.
So do you wanna continue the movie or do you wanna talk about what happened with Blake to get it off your mind?" Brandon asked me.
"I think I'd much rather just not think about it." I sighed and sat back down on the couch.
"We don't we go for a walk then." Brandon offers me his hand which I accept.

Walking around the castle grounds was nice we talked about random thing and had a great time but unfortunately for us fate had other ideas.
I was talking to Brandon when he suddenly hid behind me and said, "we should leave now." Just before u could ask why I heard a friendly, "Oh there you see Brandon!"
Too friendly. I looked over to the direction of the voice and saw a girl she was quite pretty but there was something off about her...
Is she...
"Oh and hello I don't believe I know." She says with a kind smile on her face and yet my first instinct is to get as far away from her as possible.
"Hello?" I say.
"Lucas this is Francesca." Brandon's voice was shaky and I could tell he was extremely uncomfortable.
Of course I recognised the name.
"Oh your Francesca it's nice to meet you I'm Lucas."
"Boat we should leave." Brandon says a little too loudly as Francesca heard.
"Oh well it's nice to meet you Boat-"
"You can call me Lucas." I quickly corrected her.
I could hear Brandon snicker behind me.
"Well me and Brandon must be off we have important guild issues to attend to right Brandon?"
Brandon nodded and began to walk past Francesca when she suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "surely it can wait after all I am your Fiancé and you haven't seen me in god knows how many years."
"10 years..." Brandon awkwardly informs the women.
"It was heaven." He whisper under his breath.
"Op- ppf." I cough a couple of times and say "sorry something was in my throat."
The longer conversation continued the more insane topics arise as well as Francesca's concerning about of enthusiasm for Brandon coming back.
"Well it was nice but me and Brandon really need to go." I gripped her hand off her of Brandon's and practically dragged him away.

This bitch followed us.

Brandon was getting really fidgety and uncomfortable, honestly I don't blame him. I myself was creeped out.

We continued to walk and talk until we got to Brandon and Ritchie's room, after entering Brandon explain to Ritchie that Francesca was right outside the door and she's following him.

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