'not good enough?' (Ritchie x Devin)

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Devins PoV:

It's two hours before the party and I'm going to confess.
"What if he rejects me?" I ask myself feeling like backing out before I can change my mind Eden steps in.
"What's the worse that can happen?" He asks.
"He tells me he never want to be my friend again." My breaths picks up as I feel tears start to build up in my eyes.
"Then hes done you a favour by showing he's clearly not a good friend and you should drop him." Those words took me by surprise it was silent for a moment for he says. "But we both know that ain't gonna happen." Silence again.
"I mean don't get me wrong I would love to watch it happen but it won't Ritchie both cares for you too much for that to happen and is too much of a wimp to do that."
"He's not a wimp... but thank you." He sighs and says "go get your man."

With the surprising pep talk from Eden I managed to build up the confidence to talk to Ritchie. I was walking to his room where I was told I could find him, unfortunately before I could arrive I bumped into Ritchie's and Brandon's father.
"Oh I'm so sorry sir." I apologise quickly before walking past.
He grabs my hand and says with a obviously fake smile "just the person wanted to see. Devin right?" I nod and he pulls me into a room a couple of doors down the hall.
"Umm sir if you don't mind me asking what are  we doing in here?"
Facial expression turned serious and threatening.
"S-sir...?" My voice turned sheepish as I clung onto the confidence that Eden had given me.
"Okay listen up. I'm only going to say this once." He stared to walk towards me and I back up feeling very intimidated"I DONT want a pathetic, weak, magic maker whatever to come anywhere near my son." Tears fill my eyes as my back hits the wall. "I'm going to put up with you for now but you are not and will NEVER be good enough for my son is it understood."
He smacked me across the face. Tears stained my already red cheeks I turned my head away from him as he walked out the door, leaving my alone.

Ritchie's PoV:

I come out of my room and start to look around for Devin one of the maids told me he asked for my whereabouts. I was walking door the wall when I saw my father leaving one of the spare rooms.
'Weird. He never goes in those room unless he has to...' letting my curiosity get the better of me I walk towards the door that my father had exited from and hear crying? That wasn't the weirdest part I hear cursing, very annoyed cursing.
I walked in and saw Devin crying his poor yet adorable heart out and Eden cursing up a storm as he was almost shouting in pure rage.
I ran up to Devin and sat him on my lap rubbing circles on his back
"Hey it's okay it's okay your safe don't worry." I whisper into his ear trying to calm him down for some reason it only made him worse. After a while of just sitting there and cuddling him he yawned.
"Awww." I look into his sleepy eyes as his face flushes an adorable tint of pink.
"Oh just kiss already." Eden interrupts our little tranquil moment.
Devin's face turns bright red as he begins to argue with Eden stuttering like crazy. I couldn't hold back and let out a chuckle. I leaned forward and kissed Devin on the lips once he had time to process what I did he kissed back wrapping his arms and my neck as mine go around his waist. Unfortunately we had to separate for air both of us panting slightly. He shyly smiles at me. I then took his hand in my own as my own blush started to grow a bit. "Devin will you be my boyfriend?" I asked hoping and praying he'll say yes. The first thing I noticed was the shock in his tears that turned to unease. "Your father won't be happy..." he says looking away in despair. (*cough* totally not a reference to anything *cough*)
"Who cares what the old man thinks?" I place my hand on Devin's cheek and say "I love you and forever only you. I want to be with you the rest of my life." I could see the fear leave his face then he pressed his soft lips against mine. After a moment we separated and he's delighted happy voice returns with a "Yes Ritchie. I would love to be your boyfriend."

"About time geez."

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