Arguments lead to break ups

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Brandon x Lucas

Warning!! Blake being a little heartbroken bitch

Brandon's PoV:

I walk into the gardens of the Castletown find my brother when I hear two voices arguing?
Well more like one voice the other voice was trying to be reasonable I feel like I know them voices but can't quite put my finger on it. I let my curiosity get the better of me and quickly follow the voices leading me to the source. To my surprise I see Lucas and Blake.
"Blake it was before we got together. I don't know what else I can say." Boat tried to reason with his jealousy filled girlfriend.
"We were going on dates then though!" She shouts at him in return. That irritates me shouting at him wasn't necessary.
"We weren't it was before you asked me to go to La Carnivals show." He justifies.
"It still hurts." She says tears forming in her eyes.
"I know Blake and I'm sorry but I don't know what I can do except tell you I love you and only you but that doesn't seem to be working..."
Lucas's face is filled with sadness and pain with hits of frustration being forced down.
"I thinks it's best we take a break..." Blake says bluntly looking at her boyfriend who was now in tears upon hearing her say that.
"Lucas we're done you cheated." She says her voice peaking a little at the end as tears fill her eyes.
"But we weren't together when I kissed Micheal!" He snaps not mad though he's desperately trying to clear up the missunderstanding.
"...I'm still breaking up with you." Blake says about to walk way.
"Can we at least be friends..." Boats voice was small and quite but still at a volume so Blake could hear.
"..." Blake doesn't respond she just leaves her crying new ex-boyfriend alone.
"..." Lucas crossed his arms and he turned around and says "That Gallron is why I was so afraid of telling her..."
I walk up to Lucas and ask "you okay?"
He looks at me before turning around and wiping his tears. He turns back to me and sighs "not really..."
I walk closer to him and pull him in for a hug. He hugs back and we stay in the nice comforting silence for a good couples of minuets.
"Feel better?" I ask he nods slightly but a tear still manages to fall from his deep ocean blue eyes. I wipe the tear off his face and smile softly at him. I noticed that familia blush spread across his. The same blush that spreads across his face when ever someone gives him the slightest complement.
"I don't understand people..." he mumbled hiding his face into my shoulder I chuckle and say "I don't either..."
"Do you want to go inside and watch some tv?" I ask.
"Please..." I could hear the sadness in his voice was still there but he seemed to be doing better then before.

Nobody's PoV:

Anger and jealousy consumed Blake as she watches Boat and Brandon's conversation.
"We broke up for not even five minutes and he's already going after someone else." Blake says out of blind frustration.
"Who's going after someone else." Blake turns around and see Viper...
"Just Lucas." She says her tone riddled in annoyance and envy.
"So what happened." He asks standing next to Blake observing the glares she was shoot at Brandon hugging Boat.
"Me and Boat had an argument and we broke up now he's already going after Brandon." Viper looks at Blake his expression full of doubt.
"Are you sure Brandon's not just comforting Lucas. I mean Boat is crying." Viper says raising an eyebrow.
"I'm sure filthy little hore." Tears escape Blake's eyes. Viper sighs and offers a hug to which Blake accepts.
"His not being a hore. He's just upset like you are and just like Brandon I'm hugging you in order to comfort and make you feel better." Viper sighs knowing this should be clear as day but shrugs it off as to not get himself work up over something as stupid as this dumb idiot.
"Can I ask what the argument was about?" Viper asks pulling away form the hug.
"He kisses Micheal at the GMG party." She says with a sour taste in her mouth.
"Well were you two a thing then."
"Well we were going on dates and stuff."
"But you weren't official."
"Well... no..."
"How many dates did you go on?"
"Like one..."
"Maybe he didn't realise he was interested in you since it was only one date." Viper suggested. Blake's eyes widened as she relied the mistake she made. He thanked Viper and apologised for wasting his time and she rushed to find Lucas.

Ritchie's PoV:

I walk into the guest rooms to try to find my brother and find him in Boats room. They were sat next to each other on the couch and were watching a movie.
"Hey Brandon hi Lucas." I smiled walking into the room. They both welcomed me back and I joined them on the couch and ask what happened since Boat didn't sound like his usual self he sounded a lot more gloomy.
"Lucas and Blake had a fight that lead to the two of them splitting up." Brandon explained.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." I say patting Boat on the shoulder.
"She's mad at me for kissing someone before we got together." Boat explained.
"Ohhh. Can I ask who?"
"Whaatt? Wait. What Flurry said wasn't a lie?" I ask to which Boat shook his head as he groaned leaning into my brother. Brandon chuckled slightly and began to play with Boats hair and says "Your hair actually really fluffy."
"T-Thanks..." Lucas says flustered. That's when I realised.

Well it's not an official date because I bet Brandon hasn't said 'oh by the way this is a date' and with Lucas being the oblivious idiot his can be at times he probably has no clue.

"Well I should get going see you two later." I wave good bye.
"See you later Ritchie." I hear from Boat as well as a "bye brother." From Brandon.

I didn't call them love birds even though I really wanted to mainly because if Lucas had just broken up with Blake and is really as upset as his voice sounds then I would just ruin it.

A couple of hours have past and I decided to check back on my brother and Lucas because I haven't seen them around since I accidentally crashed their half date. I look around and find them still in Lucas's room. To my surprise instead of seeing some adorable blackmail metal I see Blake arguing with Brandon and Boat in tears as he desperately try's to justify himself.
"NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN US BLAKE!" Brandon shouts losing his cool.
"OH WHAT MOVIE 'WHAT A LITTLE SLUT' ?" Thats crossing the line.
I enter the room and fully see the situation Lucas is in crying his eyes out into Brandon's chest as my brother defends the both of them in the argument.

"ALL RIGHT ENOUGH!" I intervene.
"Blake I understand why your angry. But you have no right to have a go at Lucas for spending him with other people. Especially when you were the one to brake up with him and especially when he's upset because you've made him upset." I say. Blake then storms out slamming the door behind her.
"You two okay?" I turn back to him and ask only to see Boat struggling to breath and on the verge of a panic attack as my brother tries to calm him.
Eventually Lucas is calms and thanks me for my help. To which I leave the two alone in Boats room. I hope my brother makes a move soon.

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