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Nobody's PoV:

It was a calm and peaceful day the most of Divinus Mania. These kind of days don't happen often but when they do the tranquility the members get is very comforting. Unfortunately for one member though he seems to be having an awful day. The water god slayer Lucas was having a terrible day. His god Gallron was getting really bored and kept pestering him to do something. To fight someone. Gallron was using all her will power to not take over Lucas and kill someone but she was just so bored and the bloodlust she felt was building up.

Lucas PoV:

Gallrons been a right pain the-... a real annoyance today. She keeps saying she's bored and no matter what I do she's never satisfied. I've already been on three missions and it's only 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't get any sleep last night because she wouldn't let me. I can't stand still constantly pacing and my magics acting up randomly making water shoot out of anywhere it's available also my attacks are way to strong to use on anyone at the moment.
"Droplet~" Gallron wined.
"OH WHAT NOW?!" I snapped at her.
" fight someone, go on another mission. DO SOMETHING! I'm so bored!" Gallron demanded.
"FINE IF T WILL SHUT YOU UP!" I took and deep breath and said. "I'll see if there any other missions."

I walked into the guild hall and went up to the mission board.
"What about this one?" I asked rereading the page out loud to Gallron. It was about four bandits that call themselves the element quarter. They've been raiding a load of villages
"No that's rubbish. We'd track them down in ten minutes and defeat them in five seconds.
"You know what.You pick I'm not doing all the work for you." I crossed my arms and opened about 8 different quests no bothering to look at them and I just let Gallron float above me and let her read them.

"That one!"
"Actually that's ones too boring..."
"that's ones to short"
"That's ones to... depressing geez"
"That's ones stupid"

She kept going back and forth between them.

"WOULD YOU JUST PICK A FUCKING QUEST ALREADY?!" I snapped at her. She looked at me in surprise probably because I never swear and pointed to one of the missions books no saying anything.
"Thank you." I sighed and put the other 7 missions neatly back on the board before going to Brandon's and Ritchie's office to get approval.
Once we arrived Brandon gave me a concerned look and questioned why I was going on so many today. I just sighed and told him the truth. I told him Gallron was really bored and this was a way to keep her entertained. Brandon just sighed and began to read the mission brief.
"It's stupid how we need approval to go on a mission." Gallron said annoyed by how long it's taking.
"Just be patient." I thought.
"Yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes at me.

~~~~~~~two missions more later~~~~~~~

David's PoV:

Brandon and Ritchie came by my house earlier on which is weird because they never come by my house. They told me that Boats been on 6 missions today alone and they told me the issue with his god or should I say goddess.
"Tell Lucas he's banded from taking quests for a while." Brandon said before leaving my house followed by Ritchie. Before Ritchie fully left he turned around and said "oh and you might want to help Boat out with his god problem."

Just as Ritchie was leaving I saw Boat walking towards his house. He looks exhausted but he doesn't look annoyed anymore I guess that's good since he hadn't noticed me yet I walked past Ritchie and Brandon and made my way to Lucas's house. I waited for him at his front door. When he arrived I got a good look at him properly. One of his eyes was bright glowing gold, he had heavy bags under both his eyes and looked very fed up.
"Hey Raindrop." I greeted.
"Sorry David But I'm not in the mood." He tried to walk past me but I grabbed his hand and walked in with him.
"So what do you want?" He asks me pulling his out it of my grasp.
"Can't I come see my bro without wanting anything." I teased.
"No you cant so what is it." He snaps.
I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. His cheeks turn red and he looks at me before nodding. I move one of my hands along his body I stop when my hand reaches his cheek.
"Really we gonna is this now?" He asks.
"No I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I say.
I move my hand from his cheek to his fluffy hair.
"I want angry cuddles..." He mumbles before resting his head on my chest.
I chuckle at his cuteness. And hug him back. After a few minutes I feel his body go limp on my arms. I whisper "are you asleep?"
"No... just... finally peace and quite." He sighs.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He nods his head in response.
I pick him up and carry him to the couch. I sit him down before finding a movie for us to watch. Once I find a good movie I then go to the kitchen to get us some snacks and drinks.
I got us like four bags of crisps and some biscuits as well as two cups of hot chocolate.
I walk back in with the hot chocolates I made to see boat snuggled up in a blanket on the couch. His head lazily laid down on the pillow that he previously placed on the arm of the chair. I couldn't help but smile at him.
Then I place the hot chocolates on the table and get under the covers with him.
I pull Boat on top of my so his head is rested on my chest. I play the movie and begin to fiddle with his hair, running my hand though it.

"What wrong?" I ask.
"Gallron's been really bored today and she won't stop annoying me. Constantly trying to get me to go on missions and when I do go on missions she takes forever picking one out. AND when she finally does pick one out she says it was too boring and then the cycle repeats..."
"Mmm... Have you asked her why she's been so unamused?"
"Yeah she said it's something to do with He barrier messing with our magic so when she gets a feeling similar to boredom she says it means our magic is building up or something..." I give Lucas a concerned look.
"Lucas that's not normal you should get that checked out."
"Later on I will."
"I promise..."
We continued to watch the movie in content silence. Have an hour though I decided to start up another conversation.
"Hey Boat..."
"How do you really feel about Blake?"
"..." Boat went silent before saying "I... I honestly don't know anymore..." he continued "I mean I-i think I love her but I... Ever since we kissed... I just... I don't know anymore..."
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's complicated... I don't think I like her in that kind of way anymore..." I was surprised to hear that.
I know Boat let's me hug with and tough him in ways others can see as... Lovingly... The truth is that's what i am trying to get across to him but he's so oblivious.
"I... I think I might love her more as a sister..." he admitted.
"You should break up with her then. You don't want to falsely led her on..." I say.
"I know... But I don't want to lose what we have now. Not to mention she's going to war... I can't break up with her when she's under this much... fear and stress..." he sighs. "Can we change the subject."

We stay in more silence for a little while long. The only difference was the atmosphere was more tense then last time. I intend to change that before he falls asleep so he can get s good rest.

"Your hairs so soft." I say.
I got a little "Mhmm..." in response.
"How is t this soft?"
"Because unlike you gross people I take care of my self."
"Hey I'm not pebbles." I say defensively getting a half-assed giggle in response.
"You can go to sleep if you want." I say.
"Thank you snowflake..." he mumbles while closing his eyes and immediately falling fast asleep.
'You may not know I love you but I do and I never will stop. I'm sorry I lied to you about my sexuality I just didn't want to admit my feelings especially when your in a relationship with somebody else. I know your straight and I'm going to have to learn to except that for both our sakes.' I think to myself before drifting to sleep as well.

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