softer side and decteives part 3 (remastered)

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David's PoV:

We finally got Jupiter to the medial bay and Gallron sat on an armchair next to him. She hovered her hands above Jupiter as a green glow emits from her Palms.
"You boys may as well leave this may take awhile." Gallron says as she closed her eyes, I'm guessing to focus.
"No way are we going to leave you three here alone." Mario sat down on an armchair next to the bed, I was leaning on the wall.
"Whatever soot your selves."

It was an agonising three long hours of silence and complete boredom.
"Finally Jesus." Raijin says out of the blue, I looked over at Gallron and see her glowing green hand hovered over Jupiter's chest as some black liquid like substance was being drawn to her.
"Davis or Mario I don't care which one of you, but can one of you get me a container that can keep corrosive substances in?"
Mario leaves to room as I keep an eye on the demons and the god that are in front of me.

Jupiter keeps a hold of the substance with her magic while extracting more.
I notice that Raijin seems quite surprised.
"What's up with you?" I ask him.
He looks at me and then sighs saying, "I'm just surprised he had that much corruption."
I gave him a confused look and asked, "How much does he have exactly?"
"Let's just say if I touch even a single drop of it I am screwed."Gallron says, "so shut it and let me concentrate."

Both me and Raijin cut our conversation short as we watched even more the the black substance get extracted from Brandon's unconscious body. Conveniently timed, Mario walked in with a sturdy metal container. Gallron managed to relocate the gloopy liquid into the container without letting a single drop go.

"Now we just need to wait for him to wake up." Gallron let out a sigh of relief before closing her eyes.
The yellow glowing marks turned back blue before subsiding altogether. Opening her eyes revealed they were now back to blue. Lucas was back in control.

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