Double date

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Kits PoV:

I was pacing in the guild hall not knowing how to dress or what to talk about.
I asked Marshie and Allumos on a date but I didn't think it though enough.
"Kit you okay you've been pacing around for ages." Ritchie asked me.
I squint at him before sighing and explaining my situation, "what do I do I don't know anything about setting up dates."
"Didn't you set up dates with Marshie?"  Ritchie points out.
"Well yes but Marshie is easy to please and I don't know what kind of date Allumos would appreciate the most." I say panicking about the incoming disaster.
"You could always just have a double date between me and Devin." Ritchie offers, I turn my head to him and ask, "would that be okay?"
He nods, in return I hug him before waving goodbye to set up the picnic I have already got in mind.

Marchie PoV:

I'm not quite sure how it happened. But one minute me and Allumos were "talking" then the next we are being blindfolded by Kit who seemed to just puff out of nowhere and are now both being bragged to an unknown location. My left hand in kits and Allumos right hand in her other.
Suddenly we come to a stop.
"Kit, what's going on?" I ask.
"Well you know how it's my turn to plan a date for us." Kits voice was overflowing with many positive emotions, such as excitement, impatience, proudness, pure joy, the list goes on.
"Kit my dear, as much as I do indeed trust you I can't help but feel the two auras that are sitting just in front of our current position." Allumos interrupts.
"Ah man, I forgot you could do that." Kits hand let's go of mine. I feel the blindfold slowly getting taken off of my eyes.
Finally the large azalea tree with many rose bushes surrounding is revealed, with an adorable picnic blanket and basket all set up and waiting.
There where also who mages sitting there underneath the dim sun as it was on the brink of setting. One lighting, one creation.

"Why are Ritchie and Devin here?" I ask my girlfriend quite curious of the answer.
"It's..." Kit runs over to beneath the tree, slightly in-front of the two gays, and proceeds to do jazz hands.

"A double date!"

I don't think I'm going to finish this because I have no motivation but you can use your imagination to finish it.

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