Life in Ohio part:2

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A/N: Hey! Just a quick little announcement before we start this chapter, I'm going to start taking requests for what clips or photos you want them all to react to! I've already got some in the works so please message me or comments down below what you wanna see! Ok that's all on your the story!

Barry woke up to the sound of music coming from the kitchen. Curious, he went downstairs to see his uncle singing and dancing to one direction.

People around the room chuckled at the sight. Barry smiled as he saw the memory of his uncle.

Barry let out a loud laugh that got his uncles attention "Barry!" He shouted still dancing "good you're up, come help me with dinner" Barry smiled and grabbed an apron joining his uncle in the kitchen. Barry started cutting some carrots while his uncle still sang and danced around him. Suddenly his uncle took the knife out of his hands before swinging Barry around "cmon bare, I know you know the words!" Barry let out a chuckle as his uncle started singing again " if only you saw what I can see, you'll understand why I want you so desperately, that's why I'm looking at you and I can't believe, you don't know uh oh" his uncle pointed at him silently telling him to sing the next line, Barry rolled his eyes fondly before singing along "that's what makes you beautiful!" His uncle whooped and got back to stirring and dancing this time with Barry following his lead. Soon enough Barry and his uncle were dancing around and belting out lyrics.

Everyone around the theater smiled at the family. Some of the warblers smiled at the sight, it was rare to see their captain so relaxed and happy. Oliver chuckled at the sight of his blushing boyfriend "oh cmon bare this is adorable" Barry glared at him.

When the song ended both Barry were out of breath and laughing. "You got a good voice kid" his uncle said smiling "you get that from your mother" Barry gave his uncle a bittersweet smile as he puts a sympathetic hand on his shoulder "yeah, I could tell"

"Oh burn!" Yelled Cisco. Everyone laughed and Iris turned to Barry "nice to know that you'll always be a smart ass" Barry smirked "it's in my nature" that cause everyone to laugh and the warblers smiled at seeing a glimpse of their old friend

his uncle let out an offended laugh as they turned back to finish dinner.

{time skip to after they eat}

After Barry helped clean up after dinner he turned to head upstairs before he was stopped by his uncle "hey, Barry" he said seriously "could we talk for a minute?" Barry nodded warily before following his uncle into his study. He and his uncle sat down on the leather couch and faced each other. Barry looked at his uncle expectantly. "Look Barry, we need to talk" his uncle said putting a hand on Barry's knee. Barry quirked an eyebrow "about" his uncle looked at the ground before looking right at Barry. Joe and I have have talking and well, we think you should consider changing your name" at this Barry startled "Why?Why?!" His uncle put a hand on his shoulder "look bare as much as we both hate to admit it, the name Allen isn't the best thing to have at the moment" Barry looked down, logically he knew his uncle was right but he couldn't help but feel like he was betraying his father somehow. And as if he read his mind his uncle spoke again "your father would want this, he wants you to be safe" Barry nodded still not meeting his uncle eyes. His uncles eyes softened as he looked at the boy  in front of him "I'll give you sometime to think about it" and with that he hugged Barry and then walked out of the room. Barry stayed there a moment longer before following him out.

{time skip to an hour later}

Barry is laying in his bed when he hears a soft knock on his door. Barry sighed "come in" the door slowly opened to reveal Cece. "Hey Barry!" She said it with such a wide smile on his face that he couldn't help but smile back "Hey princess"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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