Life in Ohio pt.1

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The screen glowed to life to show a note.
Now we've all seen the infamous Sebastian Smythe in action but let's take a deeper look into how he came to be. Enjoy.
While the teams were interested in knowing how Barry "lovable like pudding" Allen came to be this Sebastian Smythe character, the choirs were both confused and a little unnerved. The warblers all looked at each other thinking the same thing 'who is he really' Barry saw there faces and shook his head. He knew what they were thinking and he understood but before he could voice his thoughts the screen blinked to life.

The screen fades in to show Barry at the AirPort talking with Joe and Iris. He had his right arm wrapped in a sling and bruises covering his face and body.

Everyone glanced and Barry with different expressions. Suddenly Rachel spoke up "what the hell happened?" Barry looked towards her with a closed off expression "it was just some bullies it's not that big of a deal" he felt the arms around his waist tighten and heard Oliver mumble something about arrows and wishing they were never born. Barry just leaned his head back and kissed his cheek.

Joe looked at Barry with a soft expression " I'm gonna miss you son" Barry smiled softly at him before saying "I'll miss you too" Joe pulled him into his arms before pulling back and saying "make sure not to blow up anything with your little experiments"

The glee kids looked at Barry while Jeff asked "what experiments" Barry blushed as Joe laughed "oh I remember it like it was yesterday" he said fondly "me and Iris were in the kitchen making dinner when we heard a loud bang come from the garage, we rushed over to see what happened only to find Barry here covered in soot looking like he just got caught with his hand in a cookie jar" the teams and glee kids all laughed at the image "I miscalculated how much hydrogen peroxide I put in" Barry said defensively.

Barry laughed sarcastically but before he could come up with a witty comeback his arms were filled with a lightly crying Iris. A soft smile formed on his face as he hugged her back. Iris stepped back still holding his shoulders " I'm gonna miss my little bro" Barry dramatically rolled his eyes saying "oh my god Iris your two months older than me! Two months!" Iris chuckled and ruffled his hair " I'm still older" Barry slapped her hand away but couldn't keep the smile off his face. Joe smiled at their antics before calling out to Barry "ok Barry it's time to go your gonna miss your flight" Barry nodded at his before giving Iris one last hug "I'm going to call you everyday ok?" They pulled away from each other, Iris smiled and replied " I know you will, now go have fun in Ohio" Barry laughed softly and followed Joe to his plane. When they got to the plane Joe pulled Barry aside and put one hand on his shoulder " I know it's hard but this going to be good for you I know it" Barry nodded and replied "thanks Joe" Barry turned and started towards the plane. He took once last glance at Joe and got into the plane.

         •••{time skip to the Ohio airport}•••

Barry steps off the plane and takes a deep breath. As he stood there taking it in he couldn't help but wonder 'would coming here really be all that different? or would his past follow him here too.' His thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, he looks up to see an older man in a suit looking at him expectantly.

Cisco looked at the screen with narrowed eyes "that's creepy" and everyone had to agree.

Barry raised his eyebrow "uhm, can I help you?" He asked cautiously, the man nodded his head " mister Allen?" Barry nodded his head so the man continued "your uncle sent me to pick you up, if you could come with me?" The man turned and gestured to a limo parked just outside. How did he not notice the giant limo?

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