Kidnapping ummm i mean they want to be here

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Oliver round kicks a man while yelling in the com " felicity! Where is he!" He yells while punching several men. " I'm working on it! Just keep being all punchy and kicky!" She yells while hacking the fastest her hands can go. Felicity turns around and yells " dig get Roy and Thea Oliver needs back up!" Dig nods his head and runs off to Roy and Thea. " Oliver!" She yells " Roy and Thea are coming to stop help fight!" Oliver let's out a grunt and says " I don't need anyone's he-" before he can finish a bright light appears next to him and all he sees is black. "Oliver! Oliver! Can you hear me! What's happening! Oliver!"Felicity yells into the com. Then a light flashes next to her and before she can even scream she sees black
The legends are sitting in the wave rider looking for an adventure. " well" says Sara " I'm bored" she says standing up from the chair she was sitting in. " yeah" says ray looking up from his newest project " there has been like nothing interesting happening" mick then takes this opportunity to walk in with bowl of cereal " well I find it very relaxing less of this saving the world crap the better" he looks down at his cereal munching happily before he sees a flash of light and looks up quickly " hey! where did everybody g-" before he can finish he sees the light again and all he can see is black.
Kara is seen flying around the city searching the streets " I don't see them anywhere" she says in to the coms " found him he's in the abandon ware house on west and main!"(I don't know if these streets are real or not) says Alex looking at a map of the city. Kara flys in to the ware house landing gracefully on the ground below. "Luther" she yells "show yourself!" " hello supergirl or should I say Kara Danvers.." Kara turns around to see lex Luther standing there with a smirk . " just hand yourself in I don't want to hurt you" she says standing her ground. Luther thinks for a second turns his head and says " no I don't think I will" he then reveals a kryptonite gun in his hand. Kara braces for the pain to come but a flash of light takes her away. Luther just stands there very confused " wha-what just happend?"
The new direction and warbler reunion is in full swing. Rachel Finn Kurt and Blaine are at a table talking about there lives and jobs. The warblers are preparing to preform and fawning over the Niff baby. When they see Kurt and Blaine they all run over excitedly. Blain and Kurt are then surrounded in a group hug and they all talk until only Niff are left with Kurt and Blaine.( everyone else is now practicing by order of Wes.) Kurt of course I'm fawning over the baby " oh my gosh! What's his name? And why did you let him out of the house in these shoes?!" Says Kurt making a disgusted face. " well laughs nick " his name is Andrew" it's at this time that Santana makes her grand entrance " so, where's the meercat I have seven years of insults to try out on him" " yeah" adds Blaine "I didn't see him anywhere." Niffs face drops " no one has heard from him graduation" they say sadly. " what do you mean?" Says Kurt looking slightly concerned "he just disappeared his parents don't even know where he went" Jeff says sadly. Right before Kurt can respond a flash of light engulfs the room the last thing Kurt's hears is Santana yell "what the fuck!"
A streak of lightning zooms through the city. Barry is late (as usual) he stops just outside of CCPD and jogs into the captin's office " Allen" he says without looking up what happend this time?" " um well you see my alarm didn't go off" he says nervously
"Just get to work Allen" he says while waving Barry out of his office right as Barry is going upstairs a flash of light clouds his vision his last thought is " what's happening" be fore he sees black.
Hey guys I really hope you enjoyed that chapter I'm going to try and update as much as I can but school might make that hard. Anyway bye!
:) :) :)

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