Meet Sebastian Smythe

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{ I'm really sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy! :) }

{ Blaine is seen walking down the stairs of dalton academy before he sees Sebastian at the bottom of the stairs }

Blaine: Of course it was you

Sebastian: No it wasn't I swear

{ they start walking down the hallway}

Sebastian: I turned over a new leaf remember? No more bullying, blackmail or assault this year

"What?!" Yelled joe "Assault?! What the hell Barry?!" Barry just burrowed his face further into Oliver's neck, he really didn't want to look anyone in the eye. 

Blaine: that must be boring for you

Sebastian: yeah it is, being nice sucks

Barry interrupted before anyone could say anything " I don't think that anymore so shush"

-Scene Break-

{ the new directions are seen talking in Lima bean when Sebastian walks in }

Sebastian: Hey Blaine, Hello everyone else

Kurt: { Annoyed } Does he live here?

Everyone chuckled at Kurts comment

-Scene Break-

{ The warblers walk in to the McKinley auditorium }

Artie: Nice of you to show

Sebastian: { bored } Is whatever this is going to take long? I can't stand the stench of public schools

Iris turned to Barry with a raised eyebrow " We went to a public school bear" Barry just shrugged and said " I know, and I stand by my statement it's smells awful" she looks like she's about to say something before shrugging and turning back to the screen

-Screen Break-

{ Sebastian and Kurt sitting in The Lima Bean }

Kurt: I don't like you

Sebastian: { amused } Fun, I don't like you either

-Scene Break-

{ Sebastian is seen singing and dancing with the warblers }

Everyone just stared at Barry. "What?" He asked confused at why they were staring at him. "Dude" said Cisco stunned " you can dance!" Barry blushed before laughing nervously " I'm not that good" Nick quickly stood up and looked him dead in the eyes "you shut your face this instant!" Jeff pulled him down laughing at Barry's stunned expression.

-Scene Break-

{ Talking to the Kurt an Rachel in The Lima Bean }

Sebastian: { smirking }Well if it isn't a new Barbra Streisand and an old Betty White, where is gay cyclops?

Joe looked at Barry disappointed while Oliver comforted his boyfriend who's face was once again Buried in his neck

-Scene Break-

{ Talking to Blaine in the warbler practice room }

Sebastian: { shaking Blaine's  hand } Sebastian Smythe

Blaine: Hi, are you a freshman?

Sebastian: Do I look like a freshman?

Everyone laughed at this while Blaine blushed

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