Flash pilot part 2

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An: .......heeey. ok ok, I know it's been a really long time since I updated and i'm really sorry for that. But I promise I will try my hardest to update Faster.

"w-what the hell just happened?! "exclaimed Blaine " I-it's like time slowed down" soon people started talking over each other, asking Barry questions all at once soon he had had enough. "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!" he yelled pissed off. everyone sat there stunned, Barry never yells, not even the warblers have heard their captain yell. Barry leaned back in his seat and sighed " Can we please just finish watching the episode" everyone slowly nodded and turned back to the screen. Oliver , noticing his boyfriends discomfort, pulled Barry closer into him, Barry happily obliged and leaned his head on Olivers shoulder.


[ a women signs a check and hands it to a worker]

Worker: thank you

[ the woman leaves and a man comes up. He's wearing a hat and his face i downward cast]

Worker: how can I help you today? [ the man hands her a piece of paper and she reads of it] "this is a robbery" [she looks up annoyed] is this supposed to be some kind of joke?

[ the man shows his face to be Clyde Mardon ]

Mardon: you tell me

[ he lifts up his arms and the glass ceiling shatters. Citizens scream and run for cover]

"This just keeps getting weirder and weirder " Santana said annoyed " First meerkat and now this dude?" a muffled "shut it satan" was heard from Barry with his head still buried in Olivers shoulder. Oliver chuckled at his boyfriends antics.


Joe: [ hugging Barry] Ah, you scared the hell out of us kid.

Officer: yeah that was quite a nap you took there baby face. and you still look twelve.

[Barry chuckles and smile fondly]

Joe: You look ok. Are you really?

Barry: { hesitantly } Yeah.

"something tells me that's not exactly true " said Thad making a few people chuckle.

[a female cop walks up]

Female officer: detective west, we got a 550 in progress at Gold city bank. Two dead. Storms really picking up on the south side. I'd grab rain gear

[ she walks away]

Joe: sorry Barry. Gotta run

Barry: do you need help?

Joe: no, you take it easy. There'll be plenty for you to do once you settle in. Let's go partner!

[Eddie walks up.]

Eddie: Hey, Allen good to see you

Barry: Thanks, Eddie

Eddie: Hey Iris

Iris: Detective, you should go. My dad doesn't like to be kept waiting.

[ Eddie smile awkwardly and pats Barry's arm.]

Eddie: glad your back

{ Barry smiles but then notices a photo of Chyre on the never forgotten shelf }

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