Waking up

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Oliver wakes up to multiple groans and grumbling about how they were going melt who ever did this faces off ( probably mick) he quickly scans the area and realizes they are in some sort of movie theater he is broken out of his thoughts by a voice yelling " where the hell are we!" He looks around to realize everyone is now awake well, that is until he hears a groan from next to him he looks down to notice his boyfriend waking up, he quickly rushed over to make sure he was ok " Barry! Barry can you here me? Are you hurt? I swear I'll kill who did thi-" Ollie I'm fine calm down" said Barry while putting his hands on Oliver cheeks.Oliver relieved kisses Barry the kiss soon gets heated only to be interrupted by joe clearing his throat. Barry sheepishly said sorry while blushing like a mad man while Oliver chuckled and lifted him up. The moment was ruined by Kurt yelling "Sebastian!!!" Barry whips his head around to the point where he thought he had whiplash Blaine then noticed Kara " Marley?" He asks confused " what are you doing here?" Kara just looks confused " I'm sorry, who's Marley?" ( Kara isn't Marley since she's from another earth ) Barry went to say something but before he could say anything a note dropped down in front of him addressed to everyone.
Hello everyone I brought you all here to learn about Barry Allen or as some of you know him Sebastian Smythe. You will witness his past, present, and future. Some secrets are known others are not, good luck Barry.
Barry looked up from reading the note to see everyone looking confused and worried. "Barry what are you not telling us?" Said Cisco angrily, Barry sighed " it's a long story" before anyone could say anything the screen glowed to life.
Hey guys! Hoped you liked this chapter I might not be able to update as frequently but I'll try!

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