The Flash pilot (part 1)

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BARRY (V.O.): To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first... you need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that?
"is that Sebastian?" Kurt asked confused he looked to Barry for an answer by Barry just stared at the screen with and unreadable expression.
FADE UP ON: A BUSTLING CITY - MODERN SKYSCRAPERS reaching up to a BLUE SKY above - THE SUN warming everything below -

BARRY (V.O.): Good. Now, imagine you could run faster than the speed of sound.

walking to work, heads down, TEXTING, TALKING INTO PHONES, a CACOPHONY of VOICES - RUNNERS jogging - A BUS KIOSK advertising "HI-SPEED INTERNET..." -

BARRY (V.O.): That's approximately 765 miles-per- hour. Over a thousand feet per
The people from the past looked confused "your a nerd?" Asked Jeff " actually" said Barry turning to look at Jeff "I prefer the term geek" the clubs were confused but looked back at the screen anyway.
TAXIS and CARS HURTLE down the streets - HORNS HONKING - the world and everyone in it move at hyper speed - THIS IS CENTRAL CITY - WHERE EVERYONE IS ON THE GO -



BARRY (V.O.): I am that fast.
"Thats impossible!" yells Santana "what game are you playing here Smythe." asked blain coldly. Barry stares at them with an emotionless expression then slowly he said "...just watch the screen" Oliver could tell Barry's distress and pulled him closer while glaring at the new directions.

And then we see something we haven't seen a million times - as the CARS speed down the busy street - something speeds past them - a CRIMSON BLUR - a FLASH of ELECTRICITY - what the hell was that?

BARRY (V.O.): And the faster I go... the more the world slows down.
"What is going on here" Kurt thought to himself

Central City's version of TIMES SQUARE - JAMMED WITH CARS and CITIZENS - A GIANT LED SCREEN flashing an AD for "SPEED DATING!" Into this maelstrom of motion - when - THE WORLD SUDDENLY STOPS! The people - the cars - the flags blowing in the wind - EVERYTHING FREEZES - But the world isn't really frozen - this is how our HERO experiences time - everything so slow - except him - and we finally glimpse the blur - A MAN - in RED - he takes in the city, watching, observing.

We move to our HERO'S FACE - eyes peer through the ICONIC COWL - SPARKS in his pupils - confident grin on his face -
"That's the streak!" yelled iris excitedly  "what on earth is a streak?" asked a confused Rachel. As iris went to tell her Barry interrupted by saying " you'll see" and just stared at the screen.

BARRY (V.O.): I have the ability, to move through my city like a guardian angel...

A BIKE MESSENGER - talking on his CELL - stacked PACKAGES blocking his view - runs a RED LIGHT - a TAXI threatens -

BARRY (V.O.): To make sure no one loses someone like I did...
Barry looked down remembering that night. The new directions and warbler shot each other confused glances.
The same FLASH OF LIGHT ROARS by - FLIES OVER THE TAXI - the bewildered Messenger and his bike are suddenly on the street corner - each RECEIPT stamped:


BARRY (V.O.): I am the fastest man alive. (beat) But I'm getting ahead of myself.

As he shifts himself into the next gear - we're BLINDED BY THE YELLOW ELECTRICITY exploding from the symbol as THE SCARLET SPEEDSTER RACES FORWARD!

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