Chapter 2) Mysterious Guy

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It was all dark. I went downstairs to find for my parents. But when I went there I saw something horrible and terrific.

I saw my mom and dad lying dead in a pool of blood in front of the couch in living room.

My whole world crashed around! I blinked a few times still the sight in front of me never changed. Tears started streaming down. I stepped forwards a little.

"M-Mom...Dad!!!" I called for them but no response. "MOM!!DAD!!!" I screamed as loud as I could but again that dead silence.

I ran towards them and knelt infront of their dead bodies. I called out their names several times. My heart felt a stinging sensation. Like it needed something, it lacked something. I felt restless.

I cried, i shouted, i begged for them but nothing changed.

Suddenly i felt something cold around my neck. I freezed on my spot when I realized it was a knife held in my neck slightly cutting the skin but not stabbing.

I inhaled deeply ready to get murdered. Yes, i do felt an amazing pain. But it was nothing. The biggest pain has already stabbed me. My parents!! They are already dead. They were the only ones in my life. I lost them. I lost my life.

I breathed unevenly..... It was almost getting harder to inhale. I was losing my senses.


Suddenly i heard a familiar masculine voice calling my name ringing all my senses once again. I tried to find the source of the voice. The killer spared me and run away leaving me in that state. I fell abruptly on the ground. Blood dripping from the wounded place. I was weak. So much weak.

And the next thing I knew..... All Black!!


I woke up with my head feeling a sharp pain in my head. I blinked a few times and saw that I was in an hospital. I looked around and saw a man in black hoodie and jeans sleeping in the couch next to my bed. He was wearing a mask not letting me see his face. But his eyes..... His eyes were somehow familiar. Like I saw them a many times.

Suddenly he woke up from his slumber and stared deeply at me. He got up and walked closer to me. I don't know what had gotten to me but I pushed myself backwards.

"N-no pl-please don't come n-near me." My voice trembled. I feared him. Was he gonna kill me now? I was shaking uncontrollablely.

"Shh..... Calm down, Jieun. I won't hurt you. I could never." He said with his deep and calm voice. His voice was so soothing. I somehow felt a little bit relieved. "Wh-who are you?" I asked but he shook his head and suddenly cupped my cheeks and stared right through my soul.

I gulped down and shifted my gaze to his robust chest. I couldn't help the eye contact. His deep oceaned gaze was making ny heart beat at a rapid speed. He leaned in closer to me and hugged me. I gasped at the sudden action.

"Its all gonna be alright. Trust me, I will make everything right." He whispered in my ear. I was still in that position not sure of what to do. But his fragrance was so alluring. It was yet so familiar. But my stupid brain can't figure it out. He burried his face deep in the crook of my neck. I was too weak and numb to push him away.

And somehow i didn't wanted to. I wish this moment could last long. I felt..... safe! He pulled away and left the hospital room leaving me in that frozen state. It took me some moments to realize what just happened.

What was he talking about? How can he make everything right? Who was he? How does he even know what happened to me?

So many questions were in my head. The door opened revealing a doctor and a man dressed in police uniform.

"How are you feeling Miss Min?" The doctor asked me. "Terrible." I replied in a low voice. "Well you are soon gonna be fine. Don't worry. I understand your circumstances. The police wants to talk about a few things. Are you able to talk with him?" I nodded and the police man stepped towards me.

"Okay Miss Min. It's really terrific that you had to suffer from all this. But don't worry we've got the criminal already. He was a serial killer who killed 5 families before. No one survived. You are lucky. " He uttered these informations from his note.

How am I supposed to be lucky? I've lost the only ones of my life. I wish he killed me before. I am still traumatized. The pain in my heart is unbearable. I want to cry away all of them. But not a single drop of tear would fall. This pain is so much..... Painful....... My heart feels empty. That's how people feel when they lost their lives.

End of flashback

After that my grandparents look after me. They rented me an apartment and would send some money to me monthly to pay off my expenses. But I know these are all useless. In fact my existence is useless. I don't how am I surviving upto this.

And thinking of that guy who saved me,still makes my heart beat like crazy. His touches, his voice , his deep gaze..... Are just crazy to handle for my heart. And I know I have seen him earlier or maybe i see him daily. But I just cant figure out who he is.

After that day he never met me. I don't know why but my hearts aches to meet him. To feel his shoulder once again.

I sighed and wiped my tears. Maybe he is the reason I'm still living on....




Hope you guys have great day/night.🥀

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