The First Encounter

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Taehyung POV

I sipped on my drink observing the area with a boring look. Sweaty people dancing in the center. Drunk people making out with each other. The loud music in the background making me go deaf. I would never come here if I was allowed to drink in the house. And I can't help myself sometimes but to drink. I could've gone to my private bedroom upstairs but knowing this place for a couple of years, some stripper would enter the room without permission in the intention of getting into my pant. I just eagerly waited for it to finish so that I can leave from here.

Suddenly a figure caught my attention. Her face wasn't that much visible because of the dimmed light. She adorned a tight black dress revealing her curves. It was short but long enough to cover her inner thighs. Her hair was down upto her waist. I would've thought she was some kind of pathetic teenager here to have some fun. But she seemed to be uncomfortable as if she was new to here.

Out of nowhere a female figure approached her back hugging. Maybe they are friends, the way their face lit up seeing each other. They started to approach towards me so I immediately gazed away.

They sat two seats far away from me on the bar counter. They ordered for their drinks.

"Two pretty girls, just whiskey? You should have something hot and spicy just like you." The bartender flirted making me cringe.

"One pretty ugly bartender, passing such creepy lines?" She said making her friend laugh out loud.

I grinned before turning around. The bartender glared at them which made me muffle my laughter. The display light shined on her face brightening her features.


She had a mesmerizing beauty. She didn't had a loud make up on, thats what made her more beautiful.

When she was laughing and talking, her eyes suddenly met mine. And I couldn't look away. So we hold the contact for a couple of second before she looked away flustered. And I swear, I saw her blushing.

Something about her interests me.

They didn't drink that much maybe in the fear of getting drunk. After eavesdropping their conversation for some moments, I figured out that her name is Jieun.

Suddenly a male joined them. I frowned when I watched him hugging her.

Is he her boyfriend or what?

After eavesdropping for the next few moments, I figured out that these two persons are leaving her and shifting to a different country. And it is their last gathering together.

So he is not her boyfriend.

I realised that I am way too interested in her. I intentionally sipped my drink slowly in case it finishes too early. What am I turned into.....

The boy forced them to have some more drinks which made my blood boil. When she does not want to why he must force her. I wanted to protest but then I thought what if she thinks of me as a creep.

After a few seconds her two friends left her and hopped on the dance floor.

We two again met with an awkward eye contact. This time she tried to hold the contact but I can feel her gaze being foggy. The alcohol started to take over her.

It's been a really long time. Still her friends didn't return. And she drank two more glasses which took the best of her resulting in her collapsing on the counter murmuring some unhearable words. I didn't know what to do. I can't leave her like this at all. The bartender continuously gave her creepy glares and smirked to himself.

That's it.

I stood up from my seat marching towards her. When the bartender was busy serving other customers, I quickly took her in bridal style before rushing upstairs.

"Yahhhhhhh!!" She suddenly screamed scaring the shit out of me.

Good thing! We are far away from crowds.

"Why did you kidnap me?" She said looking at me with her half opened lids. Her cheeks were pink shaded. Not sure if it is for blushing or getting drunk.

I chuckled before pecking her forehead. She dramatically gasped before attempting to get out of my grip.

Too bad... You are not in your right senses.

I unlocked the door of my bedroom before hopping in. I quickly locked the door back before anyone unknown jumps in.

I placed her on the bed. As she quickly rolled off to other side. I pulled her again towards me and grabbed her on my lap.

She frowned glaring at me. But didn't protested. I smirked before pecking her lips this time. I thought that she would slap me or something but instead she got shy and looked down playing with the top two buttons of my shirt.


Just I was about to kiss her again she collapsed her head on my shoulder before dozing off.

I sighed. This is never our last time.

I laid her on the bed covering her body with the blankets.

Witch! The perfect term. Cause she casted a spell on me.


Ya'll Chapter 22 was republished.

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