Chapter 6) Long Journey

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"I see would you mind if I give you company?" He asked me.

My eyes widened hearing him. Did I just heard it right or what?


"You heard it right, Miss Jieun. And I'm not the person to take no as answer." He said as he opened his black leathered umbrella.

I gulped down the lump in my throat. Its for real. It's not a dream or my imagination. I was grateful that the school was empty. Otherwise others might took it in different way.

"What are you waiting for?"

I snapped back from my thoughts when I saw him standing out there. I took a deep breathe before climbing under his rain protection. I kept a nice distance between us.

But still we were so close.... I can feel his heat.

We started walking slowly. The rain was no where near to stop. Suddenly the sky thundered like right above our head. I flinched at the heavy sound and scooted near to Mister Kim.

"Are you scared of thunder?" He asked me. I can hear his deep chuckling.

"N-no sir... It's just I got startled a bit." I lied.

I feared thunders a lot. Especially after that night when my parents were killed. That night was also raining really bad. Almost like storm. The whole sky lightened real loud.

"So where is your house?" He asked me.

"It's after three blocks." I replied him.

He just nodded before taking the route to my house. I gasped a bit.

"Sir I can go by myself. The rain slowed also. I won't get drenched." I said him not liking the fact that he was literally going to drop me home.

Suddenly another loud thunder lightened in the sky. And the rain started to pour more heavily.

"I don't think so." He said.

I hate this rain!!!

"Are you scared of me?" He asked looking down at me.

"N-no s-sir." I need to see tutorials on how to not stutter.

He deeply sighed and said, "Jieun, you don't need to scared of me or anyone. Trust me I won't hurt you. I can never."

I can listen to my own heartbeats due to how loud and fast they were beating. I don't know why but I felt a bit bad thinking I might have hurted him.

I should not act like this. After all he was right, there is nothing to get scared of him. He won't bite me.

I didn't responded to him as we continued to walk along. This long distance to my home suddenly feels like a long journey.

After some minutes that felt like hours we finally reached my building. I looked back at him and said, " Thank you so much sir for your concern." I smiled a bit and then bowed to him. I turned to go back when he suddenly shouted, "Jieun!!"

I turned back and found him looking at me. His eyes were deep oceaned. His stare were full of love and concern?

I stood there looking at him letting him continue. But he only stared at me. I felt myself tensed up under his strong gaze. He noticed that and looked away abruptly.

"Um.. n-nothing! You can go. Bye!" He said and walked away quickly.

More like ran away.

I smiled a bit at his actions. And then went to my apartment.


"Thank you so much sir for this job. I am really grateful." I said to the person over the line.

"You're welcome. You can work from tomorrow." He said and hung up the phone.

I finally got a job. Now my grandparents won't be burdened anymore. I can pay off my expenses by my own. I know a cafe worker won't get that much salary. But I will  try my best to manage it.

Mrs.Lee entered the class along with a boy. The boy had dark black hair. His eyes were big doe and sparkling. He had plump lips and he was taller and muscular. His clothes were neat. I am assuming he is our new classmate as he wore our school's uniform.

"Everyone, this is your new classmate." She said.

"Please introduce yourself." She told that new guy while uplifting a smile.

The boy smiled back and turned towards us.

"Hi. My name is Kang Soohyun. It's really nice to meet you all. Hope we will get along."

Gosh!! He is handsome.

Oh my! His smile is so cute.

I think I'm gonna get a new boyfriend.

This dude is cool.

The whispering of the students rang inside my ear. I saw the guy named Soohyun blushed at the comments.

"Ok, Soohyun you can go and sit beside......"


Mister Kim - K.T.H. ff✔️Where stories live. Discover now