The Game

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Brookes POV

Aislinn looked at my feet and noticed my brace . "How bad is it?"

"Wes thinks it's worse then it is" I said looking at Wes .

"Wes knows when something is bad Carlisle you should listen to him." Keaton smirked .

"So do I Stromberg. And I think it isn't bad enough to where I can't play." I said having Ace' s arm and walking off to our team. "This is the one game I am not missing"

One girl on this team is super snobby and cocky so when we play her team I like to spike it down right in front of her .

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Ace mumbled . The whole team knew I had a rival with this girl. She was rude and she had a thing for Wes, I mean every time we played her she would wink at him and stuff.

We got to our team and started our warm up. basically just set the ball back and forth with an occasional dig here and there. They called captains and me and Ace walked over to the refs. The snobby girl, Mackenzie, and some other girl walked over and shook our hands . The refs flipped a coin for first serve and we won.

We walked back to our team and let them know. Our coach then told us who was playing, me and Ace along with some other girls. I served first aiming right for Mackenzie. I hit over the net right in front of her as she stumbled to get to it in time. She got under it and dug it up for another girl to set over. The ball went to Ace and with ease she set it up for me to spike.

When I came down from my spike I landed on my right ankle more so then my left and felt pain shoot up it. I looked at Wes and he smirked knowing what happened. The game continued on like this and ended with us winning by five .

"Hey Ace! Do you and Keaton want to maybe get some lunch before the next game with me and Wes?" I asked, jogging over to her and Keats.

She looked at him and he nodded . "Sure" she said .

"cool" I jogged over to Wes who's back was now to me. I noticed he was talking to some one . Mackenzie.

"Wes" I smiled. "Mackenzie" I glared

"Hey Brooke" Wes smiled and Mackenzie grimaced .

"Wes I just asked Ace and Keaton and they said they would love to tag along" I said ignoring her presence.

"Cool, let's go... See ya Kenz." He said giving half a wave while I continued to walk away. "What do you have against her? She seems nice"

"Um... let's see... She's a snob, a brat, annoying, likes you, bully, awful at volleyball, thinks she's amazing, need I go on..." I said quickly trying to cover up that I sort of just have away the fact that I like him....

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