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Aislinn's Pov

Brooke replied though, "Ah not so fast chicky... You need to talk about yourself right now, you can't just keep it bottled up or else you are going to lose it one day and lose someone you care about trust me."

"I'm not good at talking about this stuff though." I whispered back.

Brooke sat down and looked up at me, beckoning me to join her. My heart was beating, my pulse was racing, my knees felt weak, heck I felt weak in general. I sat down and looked at Brooke as she placed a hand on my back.

"Now tell me what happened."

"Well I was talking with Keaton at the other end of the beach and we were talking about how he wants me to go on tour with him and it made me feel good. And then he told me to kiss him and just before I did his mom came and asked if we had seen Wes so I told her I'd go find him. I ruined it Brooke. I just ruined my chances with him." I said whispering at the end.

"A. No you didn't. Now he knows that you like him back.

B. he's a guy he's not gonna give up easily on a girl he has liked for forever." She said. "And this goes for all guys."

I felt a tear stream down my face, "Do you really think that?"

"No. I know that." Brooke replied, pulling me into a hug.

I rested my head in her shoulder, calming down and then spoke, "Thanks Brooke."

"Don't thank me just go and talk to Keaton. It's a reaction for me to help you, you're like my little sis so run along now" She spoke laughing.

I stood up and started to walk to where I figured Keaton would be and called over my shoulder, "Bye Brooke."

I walked down the beach, and saw Keaton staring at the waves and I walked up next to him, gently bumping his hip with my hip. Peering over me, he spoke,

"You found me."

Smiling gently, "That I did."

He looked at the waves again then back at me as we both opened our mouths and spoke, 'So about that almost kiss."

Giggling, I looked at the sand before sitting down and staring at the stars. I felt Keaton sit next to me and I knew his eyes were searching for some sort of expression.

Looking over at him, I leaned slightly in and whispered, "Keats?"

"Yeah Ace?" He answered back pushing some hair out of my face thinking, "I've never seen you this fragile before."

I smiled slightly, "Well I... Brooke told me I should confront you about what happened, well in our case.. almost happened."

Keaton slowly nodded and pursed his lips, "Well what's your thoughts on it."

I gazed into his eyes that I loved and whispered, "If Simon let's me go on tour with you guys, I will let you know after your first concert depending on how it goes.. deal?"

Thinking, he took my hand in his and gave it a shake, "Deal."

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