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Brooke's POV

"So how far do you jog?" Wes asked.

"Ummm probably like 2-3 miles. Not that far." I said. I actually wasn't sure how far I ran.

"Ok... When did you start this hobby?" He smirked.

"After a relationship crisis" I said trying to laugh it off.

"What happened?" I looked at him. He seemed concerned.

"Well I was dating this guy and since it was summer and I had volleyball I was wearing my bathing suit and we got in a fight and he called me fat and ugly... I broke it off then and there." I said "I wasn't going to let him walk all over me like that"

"Who was it?"

"Wes that's not important." I said. I couldn't tell him. He hated him already.

"Brooke tell me." He said sternly.

"Matt" I said quietly.

"Him!?" He said shocked and slightly hurt.

"Yeah... Um it was right after you left and he was being so sweet to me but he was a big jerk. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him but I needed someone." I said. He stopped running and grabbed my hand.

"We'll right now you have me. I won't ever treat you wrong. I will respect you an I will care for you. Nothing can change that." He said looking me in the eyes. I couldn't take it. He was being so cute. I placed my lips on his. "What was that for"

"For being so cute" I said pecking his lips again.

We continued running until we came across Starbucks. That's when things went bad. We were about to go in when I saw him. Matt.

"Wes how bout we go somewhere else." I said trying to avoid Matt.

"But you love Starbucks." He whined pulling me towards Starbucks. That's when he saw him.

"Come on Wes can we please just go somewhere else" I said pleading with my eyes. He was starting to give in when we heard someone call us.

"Hey sexy!" I heard Matt call.

"Come on Wes." I said tugging his arm. But now he was slowly getting more agitated.

"Come on babe. Ditch the loser you're with and join the big boys." I heard his voice again. That's when Wes had it. He ripped his arm out of my grip and stormed over to him.

"Stop harassing my girlfriend!" He growled. Honestly I found it hot but I needed to stop it before it got worse.

"She was mine before she was yours" he smirked.

"Matt. Shut up. I never liked you as much as I like Wes." I said.

"Oh really? That's not what it sounded like when we were in my room that night." He smiled. I blushed while staring him down.

Wes had heard enough and punched him int the jaw. Matt quickly got up and they were both throwing punches all over the place. I saw one of Matt's punches connect with the side of Wes' face forcing his lip to his teeth. I was calling for them to stop and for someone to help break it up. That's when I saw Drew. I called him over and sure enough he broke it up. He gave me a hug.

"Sorry but I have a date. I'll see you later though. We need to talk!" He said walking away.

"Wes..." I trailed off. I looked at him not knowing what to think.

Wes' POV

"Brooke I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. He just knew what to say to get me mad. I'm sorry." I said hugging her.

I really didn't. It was like what ever he said climbed into my brain and was just saying beat me up I dare you.

"It's fine. Can we go to my place and watch movies." She said looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" I said giving in.

We jogged back to her place which took about 15 minutes and then collapsed on her couch. We laughed and she looked at me.

"No Keaton." She whispered scooting towards me.

"No Ace" I said catching on to what she was saying.

And with that we kissed and I'm not going to go into detail but we didn't end up watching any movies.

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