You're In My Heart, Like Music Is In Yours

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Name: Aislinn Rose Stevens

Nickname: Ace or Rosie

Age: 16

Appearance: Sandy Brown Wavy Hair, Blue Eyes, Naturally Tan Skin, Freckles Across Her Nose From The Sun, 5'6, Slender, Glasses For Reading, Always wears sweats or mesh/running shorts.

Personality: Very Shy, Modest, Kind, Smart, Stubborn, Athletic, Funny, Helpful, A Bit Of A Pushover

Love Interest: Keaton

Family: Parents are divorce, one lives in California, the other lives in Maine. No siblings.

Background: Ever since she's been a little girl, her best friend has been Keaton. He's just always been there for her hen her mom or dad hasn't. She often gets lonely when Keaton is unavailable because she has no family in her mind. She is constantly torn between her dad and her mom.

Other: Loves The Beach, Bonfires, Volleyball. Hates Liers, Drama, Fights and Bullies. Is described as having a natural look because she doesn't wear make up and is a bit of a tom boy or surf nut.

Name: Brooke Elizabeth Carlisle

Nickname: Brookie or Carlisle

Age: 18

Appearance: Dirty blonde hair that goes to my midback, blue eyes, 5'5"', tans easily,burns only on her cheek bones, very athletic, has contacts, really pretty but is self- conscious, skinny

Personality: funny,caring, smart, outgoing, easy to trust and talk to, flirts without realizing it,stubborn and has a one track mind,

Love Interest: Wesley

Family: Parents are still together,a younger sister and an older brother, she lives in her own apartment

Background: She grew up with Wes because they were neighbor's . He taught her to surf and went to all of her volleyball and softball games . In all of her relationships she's been cheated on . Her family seems perfect but it isn't . Her mom goes out every Friday night, gets drunk and then abused her . The only person that knows this is Wes and he used to invite her over every Friday night before the X-Factor

Other: Loves going to the bonfires, met Aislinn through volleyball, likes to be tan, looked working out, loves hanging out at the beach, gets professionally trained two times a week

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