Reynico oneshot #15

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Reyna was up late , she was waiting for her boyfriend , Nico , to come back to his apartment after spending the day visiting his sister Hazel . She decided to watch movies to pass the time . After making popcorn , opening a can of soda and getting all wrapped up in her fuzzy grey blanket ,she turned on the first Harry Potter movie . Reyna made it through the first 5 movies and was about halfway through the 6th one when she started to drift off. Her eyes fluttered closed and she drifted into sleep  with "Harry Potter and the half-blood prince " playing in the background . An hour later Nico walked into his apartment , he heard the movie playing and walked over to see Reyna fast asleep on the couch , Nico held back a laugh when he saw the peace of popcorn in her hair , he removed it before picking her up and carrying her off to her bed .

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