The shaving Razor

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Nico and Reyna decided to move into a little apartment together. It was around 11:30am when Reyna woke up , she had a long day the day before and was tired so she woke up late. Nico was getting changed  in the bathroom so Reyna decided to go get some food . She walked into the kitchen in her pjs , she was walking past the toaster when it beeped and toast shot out of it . Reyna let out a screech . Nico came running waring sweatpants, a
T- shirt, and a shaving razor as a weapon , when he saw no murder he lowered the Razor, "What happened Reyna ?" Reyna blushed , "I-uh the toaster went off." Nico laughed , "you , The daughter of War , got scared by a toaster ?!" Reyna rolled her eyes, "says the boy who came  armed with a shaving Razor!!!"

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