Reynico headcanon 29

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Nico was hopelessly trying to learn sword flip in combat so he could impress Reyna . He has Ben doing it the whole day and he was failing miserably he was getting closer to doing it but he just couldn't get it and he doesn't know why. He tried it again and failed. He threw the sword to the ground in frustration and yelled. Someone chuckled behind him he froze and slowly turned around to face Reyna , she was standing a few feet behind him with amusement in her eyes. "How long have you been standing there?" Nico asked. "Long enough to see you fail ." Reyna grinned . "Let me help " she said. They spent a few more hours practicing and Nico was starting to get better. He was getting close to mastering it when the night set and and they had to stop , Nico couldn't be happier that he learned how to sword flip and that Reyna had taught him. Reyna hugged Nico and he returned it. When Nico came to his senses he thanked her and they agreed to come tomorrow to practice more.

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