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Andddd we're back with HEADCANONS :)

Nico and Reyna were heading to the park ,to get fresh air. Nico being the son of Hades immediately went to explore the shadows and curious places around the park . Reyna, being the Daughter of Bellona and having some camp duties , which surprisingly were pretty easy today , and why she told Nico he could take a break  sat in a bench and worked on her papers. She spent the next 3 hours working while Nico spent time exploring . After those 3 hours Reyna decided to head out and look for Nico . She couldn't find him and figured he had probably shadow traveled across the park or something , so she started to walk back to the bench . Suddenly she was pulled into a shadow . She felt strong arms wrap around her , She opened her eyes seeing a dark valley with Nico's arms wrapped around her and him smirking at her . She shoved him away and started yelling at him , "NICO DI ANGELO YOU SCARED ME SO BAD ! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ! OH GODS I'M SO MA- "
Nico pulled her into him tightly and whispered "oh shut up Ra-Ra. I just wanted to do this without everyone's eyes on us." Into her ear and then kissed her gently. She grabbed the sides of his head before pulling away and staring into his dark eyes. "Ra-Ra, you have no clue how much I love you." "Oh , death boy, I love you too."

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