Another headcanon peeps !

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"Hey Reyna , when Are we gonna meet this boyfriend of yours . You know the one with dark eyes , the one with the perfect body , the made up one" Bethany said to all her friends laughing. She hated this, what the girls said never got to her but being a daughter of Bellona , she had to prove them wrong . "I've told you a bunch of times Bethany. He's not made up , in fact his coming here today "
Reyna replied . "Oh yeah , and I'm the future queen of England " Bethany giggled to her friends. Just then someone came up behind Reyna. "Excuse me miss , could you help me find my way Around , I'm sure I could find a way to thank you " the person said . " look I have a boyf- " Reyna started to say before she saw who it was . "NICO!" Reyna said Excitedly . "And who are you ?" Bethany asked flirtatiously as her and her friends drooled over the boy.  Just then Nico kissed Reyna. Once he kissed her Bethany and her goons were speechless "I'm the made up boyfriend with what was it Ra-Ra?" Nico asked smirking "with Dark eyes and the perfect body ?" He asked teasingly , Reyna elbowed him in the stomach . After Bethany snapped out of it she looked angry "someone with your looks shouldn't be dating someone like, well , her . You should be dating someone like me " Bethany said . You could see the anger in Nico's eyes , he walked towards Bethany. "Look , Bertha was it ?" Bethany didn't look happy about that . "I'm gonna be sticking around and if you don't leave me and my beautiful girlfriend here alone , well , I'll make sure you regret it" Bethany's fury now turned to fear . Nico and Reyna left Bethany speechless as they walked out the school gates hand in hand.

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