Headcanon & fanart

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"Nico!" Reyna laughed , "I mean it you don't have to get me anything !" Nico laughed back at her "Yes I know I don't have to but I want to because your awesome and deserve it ." Reyna sat on the couch with her eyes closed , grinning from ear to ear . Nico had been insanely nervous , because what do you get a Roman girl who had most things people desired ? "Open your eyes." Nico said with a nervous grin . Reyna opened her eyes to see a small box sitting on her lap . " Nico ." She started with her breath being taken away . She opened the box to reveal a small bracelet   with a Puerto Rican state charm and beautiful golden decorations around it . The Puerto Rican charm symbolized Reyna's hometown and the golden decorations symbolized her Roman self . Reyna buried her hand in her face and began to slowly cry . "It's - I .. Can make another one  it's no big deal.." Nico stuttered . Reyna jumped up and wrapped him in a hug . "It's perfect . Thank you ." Nico breathed a sigh of relief as he wrapped her back in a hug .

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