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I'm gonna be and posting a bunch of headcanons or conversations often.

Nico walked casually through the doors of Reyna's school , all eyes turned to him , people were shoving past each other to get a better look at the newcomer. They whispered about his dark hair and his beautiful dark brown eyes , the words a hushed wave of sound. Nico smirked, he usually got this reaction from people. A few girls walked up to him , flirting and showing off , they talked to him for minutes as he walked, looking for the girl . They draped themselves over him, wanting his attention, but the most he gave them was a glance or a few words like "please-don't-touch-me." He wore what he usually did, a Black T-shirt, grey ripped jeans with a dark leather jacket, but somehow that just attracted people even more. They flirted and flirted to their heart's content , but he just rolled his eyes and ignored them, until he had to ask the question. "Do any of you know where Reyna is ? Average height, has dark brown hair and wears it in  braid at most times , likes to put on a purple jacket ?" A few of them laughed at that , until they realized he was being serious. "You mean the lonely girl ? " she's usually by the lockers in the back , she doesn't talk around very much."
A blond girl said, pushing the glasses up her nose. Nico nodded and he left the crowd to go find Reyna , they followed him anyway.
Reyna, as suspected, was in the exact spot the other girl had specified, with one earbud in her right ear and her backpack in one shoulder. When she looked up and saw Nico, her face lit up, a soft glow reflected onto her tan skin. Nico helped her up and pulled her into a hug, before kissing her on top of the head, making the crowd erupt into gasps and whispers of shock and jealousy.

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