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It was late at night and Reyna was wondering around the grounds of camp Jupiter. Even though most campers weren't allowed to walk outside late at night Hazel aloud  it , so that meant she had an exception , walking helped her calm her racing mind. Normally she would zone out but tonight her attention was focused on the shadow 20 feet in front of her. She assumed it was another camper but who would disobey the rules of no late night walks. She slowly walked behind him , hoping that he wouldn't notice her , So far her plan was working until she lost focus and tripped on a rock. She braced herself for the worst , but a strong arm caught her before she went headfirst into the ground . "You okay ?" Asked the familiar voice of Nico di Angelo , she tried to steady her posture as she looked into his dark handsome eyes . She nodded knowing that she shouldn't trust her voice to do the taking right now. "I was gonna go to the training area , want to come with me?" Nico said as he grabbed Reyna's hand and dragged her to the training area.

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