Look at this ..

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Ok look at this .

Nico all in black clothing and leather with his helmet on , looking like the badass son of hades he is .

And Reyna is going to a mortal school and she asks Nico to pick her up there .

The class has finished for 10 minutes and Reyna is outside with some other students waiting to be picked up .

Then they hear this deep rumbling from down the street and a black silver motorcycle pulls up.

Not many people notice but Reyna's face brightens

And Then Nico takes his helmet off and and some girls actually swoon because 'who is that Hotie'

And Nico being adorable as he is notices this and blushes but nods his head towards Reyna and says "how'd school go ?"

And Reyna responds smiling  "it was cool but I prefer to be at camp "

Nico just rolls his eyes with a smile and a laugh because  "you need a break from duties and training, Reyna even tho it's only for a few hours."

And all the students there are standing there just listening to the conversation and wondering how the heck Reyna knew this dark cute boy .

Then Reyna walks over and gets on the motorcycle behind Nico , "hold on tight " Nico says .

Then he hands Reyna an extra helmet , and Reyna wraps her arms around his waist , she fights off a deep blush that is spreading in her face.

She didn't want to cause a scene .

So on Monday when Reyna decides to go again , there are rumors of a mysterious hottie coming to pick her up on Friday , she doesn't do any about them and just fights a little smirk spreading across her face as she pulls Nico down for a kiss the next time he comes to pick her up.

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