6 - Finally Free

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Been so long and now I'm Finally Free

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Been so long and now I'm Finally Free


    "Oh, great angle. Yeah." Freya frowns at Reggie. "Now that's a good pic."

    "Is this what we're here for? To watch people take pictures of food." Freya snaps her fingers at Alex.

    "It's fun" Reggie starts.

    Freya cuts him off. "It's not." He frowns but goes back.

    "Watch this. People never stop looking at their phones." He moves the plate around, the lady looks around and gets up. "Luke said something about this place being a hot spot for music industry people." Freya looks behinds her and sees Luke writing something down.

    "Boys, being a ghost definition has its privileges. I just wrote our names on the Playlist for tonight."

    Alex leans forward. "I'm getting a little worried about him. He keeps forgetting Julie quit the band." Freya huffs and leans on her hand.

    "And that she's gonna come back as soon as she knows we have a great gig."

    "But if she doesn't come back, let's not forget, we do have somewhere we can play and eat pizza."

    "Right." Freya points at Reggie in agreement.

    "Dude, I know. It was awesome to be seen by lifers at Caleb's party, but...but we got this with Julie. We don't need him." Freya nods her had and a sudden jolt makes her hand clutch her chest in pain.

    Freya groans.

    "Oh! It's the same thing again!" Alex breathes out.

    "Just like yesterday!"

    "It feels almost as bad as cramps." Freya shifts in her seat uncomfortably.

    "It feels like that time I was fixing my amp in the rain." Freya stops and looks at Reggie.

    "You shouldn't...Ok. Look, do you think something's wrong with us?  Alex asks.

    "Yeah. Yeah, we ate ten pounds of pizza without a stomach. I'm sure it's our bodies working through it." Luke replies, Freya rubs her chest.

    "So we're just gonna forget about getting back at Trevor? That jerk stole our music."

    "And he has to live with that guilt. It's just like what Julie said. We have a new band, a new sound, ok? That's what we should be focusing on."

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