7 - Edge Of Great

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Cause We're Standing On The Edge Of Great_____

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Cause We're Standing On The Edge Of Great

    Freya crosses her arms as she watches Carlos and his aunt.

    "For the last time, mijo. Ghost are not real."

    Reggie shakes his head. "Typical Adult. Do you remember when we were kids, and they never believed what we said?"

    "Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's just a 'you' thing. I was already pretty trustworthy." Alex replied making Freya laugh.

    "Shouldn't we be more worried about Julie? Her dad just busted her, ok? He's probably making her quit the band."

    "Well, there's not much we can do about that now, but...we can still help Carlos. Adults not believing children ends tonight. Showtime." Reggie turns off the light.

    "Ghost aren't realy, huh? How do you explain that?"

    "Light bulbs burn out all the time, Carlos."

    "Ooh! Wrong answer, tía." Reggie gets up and goes to the blinds. "Explain...this." he opens and closes the blinds. Luke.crosses his arms and leans back, Alex throws his hands up in annoyance.

    "Maybe its my mom. She knows I haven't been replacing the toilet paper!"

    "Your mama would never scare us. This is the work of a demon!"

    Reggie stops. "Hey, words hurt."

    "Wait! I got to get it on video."

    "Yeah, you do. Time for an old classic." Reggie puts a white blanket over his head and starts moving his arms, Freya rubs her head and sighs.

    "Oh!" Carlos' aunt squeals. "Dang, it was in selfie mode." She screams and drags Carlos out the room.

    Reggie snickers. "Whew!" Reggie sits on the chair and sighs.

    "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

    "Yeah, I do. I've defended every kid who's never been believed. Some might say I'm a superhero. We should probably hide before Julie finds out, huh?" Reggie quickly gets up and runs away.

    Luke looks at Alex and Freya and they hurriedly get up and run out.


    "I gota spark in me. Hands up if you can see." Freya smiles as she watches Julie's dad, Reggie joins in. "When you're apart of me, Hands up if you're with me. I got a spark in me, hands up..."

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