9 - Stand Tall

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    "Look, don't worry, guys. Willie said he'd get us on that marquee."

    The band arrives at the Orpheum. "This is gonna work, right."

    "It has to." Luke states.

    A jolt passes through them and they all groan in pain, Freya hisses and rubs her chest.

    "Hey, are you guys ok?" Willie arrives.

    "Yeah. Yeah, it's nothing we haven't felt before. How'd it go?" Alex questioned.

    "Well, when that opening band wakes up, they're gonna find their bus 200 miles outside of Vegas with no chance of getting back in time." Willie chuckles and him and Luke do a hand shake.

    "And that means there's probably a promoter upstairs right about now freakin' out."

    "Nah. This is Hollywood, man. I'm sure he's being very professional." Willie snickers.

    Freya bites her lip and Alex looks at them and walks to Willie, Luke pulling Reggie away and talking to him. She looks down at the group and huffs, she turns around to see Willie riding away on his skateboard.

    Freya walks up to Alex. "Alex you all right, man?"

    "Yeah. Yeah, I'm ok." Freya grins and gives him a side hug.

    "Well, thanks to Willie, Panic At The Disco needs an opening band." Freya nods her head.

    "Then I guess someone up there needs to know we're available." Freya and Reggie chuckle looking up at the sign.


    The guy bangs the phone on his desk making Freya jump in shock.

    "Yeah, Willie was right. This guy's a total pro."

    "All right, boys. Let the magic happen. Alex, no dancing." Alex holds his hands out and does a twirl and knocks a holder off the desk.

    "What?" The women leans down to get it, Alex writes on the notepad and Reggie types on the computer.

    "She's coming." Reggie and Alex back off, the video starts playing, Freya grins.

    "Tasha! Get me CJ. Tell him I need a band to open in three hours."

    "Sure, but you might wanna check this out." Alex chuckles and pulls Freya into a side hug.

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