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Swoop! Swish! Pant! Huff! Watch! Vigil. Snap! Aah! Good. Take the gun. Would be handy. Sway. Climb. Hmm, I wonder why I'm using so many phrases. But you see, when you're a much sought after thief, you can't think of revealing. These security guards, Gee! Too vulnerable. How come it's so easy to knock them off, even in real life? They seriously need to get trained for having eyes at their backs. But, that would hamper our growth, wouldn't it? Nevertheless, I'm at the terrace of Johnson Mansion. This man, Mr. Jacob Johnson is rich, fucking rich! But, I'm not a petty thief, who toils for tin and paper. I've my eyes on far more important stuff. I'm a professional one. I'm paid for what I do. One of his rivals desires to get docs. belonging to a new product he's about to market. But why? I dont ask my clients, cause I personally dont give a fuck. Your job done, is my money. Now, this is a piece of cake. All I have to do, is sneak in the house, posing as a cleaner, get in the office and take it. You must be thinking, that if the papers are so important, he wouldn't just keep them accessible. Of course he hasn't! He, has a secret cabinet, underneath his desk. How do I know? Thats none of your fucking business. I can't display all my cards! As I make my way through the hallway...X-"Hey, where are you going?" Me-"Umm...Mr. Hall ordered me to clean the office madam. He said that Mr. Johnson would require it tonight." X-"Okay, go. Seems you are new here. Your name?" Me-"Ray, madam."

Bloody dumb head mama. Idiot. Interrupting in such an important task. Forget it. No time to waste. Time to act. So, I make my way to the office. Aha! Here it is. The desk. But where could that cabinet possibly be. I search every nook and corner. Gee! Ain't that easy as it felt. But that won't stop me from searching. Wait! What was that? I hide in a corner and look. It's Mr. Johnson. Is anybody else accompanying him? Nope. Good! Hmm... seems aged enough. Wouldn't be able to fight. J-"who's that? Secur.. mmph!" I blindfold him. Me-" Sssh! If you love your life dearly, then don't stir! Listen, I've not come here for your money, whatsoever. But, something else interests me. And so, if you please sir, cooperate and help in finding that secret cabinet of yours...you know what I mean." J-"OK. Okay. I'll help. But be sure that these won't stay away from me for long. I'll get what you took and you as well under my heels!" Me-"Gladly, sir. For now, the cabinet, please." Dick head old fellow. Making my blood boil! I get the papers and run off. Me-"Adios!" And the most exciting part of the adventure begins...the chase! I sneak my way up to the terrace. The security running around to find me. All they know, is that I'm a man. 5 feet 9. Hmm, short for a man. Grey eyes. Slim built. And off they go. Fools. If I were that easy to catch, my career wouldn't have spanned 5 years. I change into the outfit of a security guard and I'm in the crowd now. Me-" Sir! I saw someone passing. There he is!" Head of security(HOS)-"Go after him..." Me-"Watson, sir!" HOS-" yeah. Go!" What fun! The thief running for the thief. And they never knew as I left them running like rats.

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