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BR-101 also known as the Translitoranea is going to be the witness of one of the most important drives, better call it a 'chase'. 

The soaring sun, with average temperatures of 38C (and as some of you say 100.4F), mirages continue to blur the vision. Eyes on the road, hands firmly on the steering, sweat on skin, blood on the boil, as Jared is after Dominic. A shelby behind a pontiac, hmm make it more modern, nah! old is gold!

It ain't hard to picture, but fast and furious does occurs in real life!

Dominic's POV

It might just be my last day, or if lucky I might live to see another sunrise. I know why they are behind me, and I know I don't stand a chance without my mates, but I can't stop. I have many unfinished businesses with many people. And my priority is surely acquired by Ray. I've got to catch her. She has become a menace in my life. I don't care if I go to jail, but she needs to be behind the bars. For everything, for killing my father, death of my mates, losses in my trades and most of all, breaking my heart.

Jared's POV

Run harder boy, as hard as you can. But once I catch you, I guarantee I won't kill you, I will skin you alive and burn you till even the hell cries! And I'm gonna get every single piece of your body cry the truth and pray for your life!

The blues and golds of the muscle machines shine with a glare, as the chase continues. 

J-"Enough of the games, time to end it, once and for all!" He picks his gun as he fires at the back-window. Fails. Another round. Dominic is keeping his head real low. J-"Don't get blown by your emotions Jay, you've got to catch him alive. He's an international criminal. He needs to be dealt with law." With a colder head and an aim, he fires at the tires. Shoot! Got it!

It's all dark. He feels arms grasping him tightly. Leading him somewhere. He can hear sounds. Ringing of telephones. Fluttering of pages in files. People rushing around and all of a sudden.... all the sounds have ended. Absolute silence, one which can drive you crazy. He can listen to the blood in his ears, pumping of his heart, thumping in his head. Lights. A single lamp, hanging by the ceiling. It's interrogation time!


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