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The death of a suspect, and an eye-witness, is probably, the worst that can happen to a case. Specially, when the case involves many nations. Also, since Jared and Shannon have no idea what all countries are involved in providing him refuge, or are after him. Things might get complex, every step can land on a mine. And so, before leaving for Cabo Frio, they decide to inform their seniors. J-"Greetings chief." COP-"Oh, yes my boy. Any leads to the case?" J-"Yes sir. We have a clue who Ray might be, but he has run off to Cabo Frio with a huge bounty. It would be better, if you inform the British embassy in Brasilia. I hope you..." COP-"I get it. I'll try my level best to maintain the secrecy as well; we wouldn't want Ray to know of our plans through the stupid media people. Take care, and return with good news."

And since this was their last night in Mexico, they decided to live it their ways. M-"Hey, how are you? It's so bad we couldn't meet up in Mexico; but, so good to be back home. Any idea of Ray's whereabouts?" J-"Yes, Maria. But we are actually not sure if who we are running after; is actually him. We're taking our chance; pray that we prove to be successful." M-"You'll my love. Just take care of yourself, and come home safely." J-"I'm tired now. I want to be there with you, in your arms." M-"You'll be babe. Everything shall be fine. I promise."

Meanwhile, Shannon and Nina are together, not wanting to look towards tomorrow. S-"This is my career's biggest case. Just imagine I'll be huge once I catch that son of a bitch." N-"Don't be so over-confident. I don't doubt your abilities, but it's just that I don't wanna lose you." S-"You and your stupid Tarot cards! How many times do I have to tell you to stop going to that foolish old woman." N-"It's not that. But something is a aching my heart, I don't know..." S-"Listen, I'll be here, just like this, in your arms. We'll be together. Just tell me you love me and live this night with me. Don't think about anything else." He kisses her, trying to wash away her anxiety. Two lovers, deeply in each other's aura, forgetting the world beyond, probably, the most beautiful relationship.

He picks her up and takes her to the bedroom. He slowly undoes her shirt. N-"Shannon, no. I'm scared!" S-"Why? We've been together like this before." N-"Not that, but because, this might be..." S-"Sssh! Forget about tomorrow, because this isn't goodbye. I'll be here, always." He kisses, her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Her moans are the sweetest sounds to his ears. And soon, he's inside her, their love entangled, their bodies united. Tears in her eyes, not because she's in pain, but because her head has stopped working. She doesn't want to feel if the end is nearing. She can't ask him to stay. She wants to be the one to fall into his arms. He's her heroin drip. She can't survive without him. As he ends up filling her, and lays beside her, he kisses her forehead. S-"I love you babe!"

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