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X-"It's such a relief, to meet an old friend, in such a nice place. You have something which belongs to me." D-"I'm afraid, you are asking the wrong person." X-"Don't try to fool me! I know it was you who stole the gold from the American! And you know how I know! Come on boy; return me, what's rightfully mine, otherwise..." D-"I've been trapped in too many 'otherwise' Xender, and I'm in no mood to give away my bounty." X-"Then prepare to fall, hard!"   

Shannon's POV

You know what; it ain't easy to fight, while all those sexy mamas dance for you. Not exactly, but yeah! We reached the south end of Peachtree, and as expected no one there. Where next? The Churchyard. And sure enough, found Xender and Dominic at arms. Now, the point is, whom to fight against, or for. B-"What shall we do?" Me-"Wait Brad, watch. All we need is to catch Dominic live. And it's not the point at the moment to fight against Artemis. We must try and get them away from Dominic.

Bang of numerous bullets firing at each other fill the air, as the time is running short. In no time, the march shall be there, and to prevent any chaos, Shannon orders his men to fight against Artemis, taking care, to remain unnoticed.X-"We can still stop boy. Give me the location of the bounty, and run off. Your life might just prove to be your greatest treasure." D-"No way Xen. It's now or never!" Artemis, being well trained went for headshots as the number of their enemies decreased gradually. And Dominic seeing his fate coming was in no mood to back off. Smoke and smell of powder fills the atmosphere, as the sounds of the drums near. X-"End it now boys and get out of here!" D-"Scared alright bitch!" Strange ain't it how a dangerous situation fills humans with an eccentric fearlessness and power! As Dominic and Xender continue on their big deal, Xender quick eye notices something.  X-"I'll find you sooner than even your breath. Let's go boys, another day." As he leaves with his left men, Dominic finally comes to notice his loss. All his comrades have been killed. Worst, he's left with all the bounty, which he can't afford to carry himself. But greed and fear of life, causes man to perform limitless deeds. As he takes his away, with a part to escape the country, he gets hit on his head. S-"Too soon eh?"

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