love you a lot.

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Alex was a sensitive person, he always wanted attention and love, and when he doesn't get what he desires, he pouts and whines. Of course the small male understands if something can't go his way, he doesn't bother to push it, but when he can, he will. 

Alex had lived in Brighton with his lovely boyfriend for a long time now. They had been together for 2 years. Wilbur, the smaller male's boyfriend had known how he was like, and always loved to tease his smaller boyfriend. The taller male adored his boyfriend, and loved when he got all fake upset when he didn't gain attention from him. Wilbur took this opportunity to push buttons with Alex, since he had upcoming streams with his boyfriend's best friend, George.


Alex had been laying in bed all day, occasionally getting hugs and kisses from his affectionate boyfriend. The small male was trapped underneath the warm caves of his blankets, turned to his side, noticing that his taller boyfriend hadn't walked into the room to see if he were okay. Alex groaned, pushing off the covers, and hopping out of bed. He stretched his stiff legs and back, loosening his muscles. The smaller exited out of the door, hearing Wilbur talking to someone on the phone.

"So we'll be streaming outside tomorrow?" Alex faintly heard from his boyfriend, his strong British accent heard. The smaller couldn't hear who had been on the other line, he peered around the corner to see the taller, back against the counter of the island in the kitchen, palms pressed against the edge while one hand held his phone. Wilbur took a quick glance to the entrance of the kitchen, noticing his boyfriend and smiling warmly. This had always made the smaller's stomach fill with butterflies, admiring his face as his cheeks crease every time the taller smiled. Alex smiled back, getting a bit giddy as he slowly walked near the taller.

"Hey, i'll call you back George, we'll plan this out later, see ya." Wilbur spoke, pressing the bright red hang up button on his phone, then proceeding to turn it off.

"Hey feathers." Wilbur grinned, wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist, while Alex wrapped his arms around the taller's torso, pressing his face into the taller's torso.

"Hi Wilby." Alex looked up, smiling at the other.

"You're so adorable.." Wilbur chuckled, lightly brushing his thumb against the smaller's cheek. Alex leaned into the praise, closing his eyes and resting his head on the other's chest again.

"Were you talking to George?" Alex quietly spoke, looking back up to see his boyfriend's coffee colored eyes flutter open.

"Yeah, we have some streams planned tomorrow." Wilbur responded, resting his chin on the smaller's head, smiling. Alex whined, a tad bit sad that Wilbur wouldn't be home. Wilbur looked back down to his small boyfriend, gently taking off the navy blue beanie he had been wearing and playing with his hair.

"Don't worry baby, i'll give you all the love you want when i'm back tomorrow, maybe we can make some love y'know?" Wilbur smirked, teasing the other, and lifting the smaller's chin up watching as his face turned a light shade of pink. Alex just huffed, burying his face back into the taller's chest, giggling. Wilbur smiled, bringing his hands back down to the smaller's waist, embracing him.


The next day had rolled around quite fast, Wilbur woke up to a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, his hands on his smaller boyfriend's hips. Wilbur smiled at the sight of Alex, he was always so adorable when he was sleeping. The way his eyebrows furrowed when he shifted, clinging on to the taller tighter. Wilbur had gently pried off Alex's arms, shifting himself off the bed. He walked over to the covered windows of his shared room, opening the curtains to reveal a strong ray of light blinding his eyes.

"Fuckin' hell-" Wilbur cursed, blocking the light with his hands. The taller had turned his back, facing away from the sun and walking back over to the bed, reading the clock on the wooden nightstand that had said 7:08 AM. Wilbur and George were planning to meet up with each other at 9 o'clock sharp, this gave Wilbur about an hour to get ready.


Wilbur had exited the shower, the time reading 7:42 AM. The taller walked into the simple bedroom he and Alex sleep in, noticing that his smaller boyfriend had already gotten out of bed. Wilbur sighed, getting dressed quickly, wanting to stop at a Starbucks before he drove to the destination of his meeting place. Wilbur walked his way to the kitchen to notice Alex sitting on one of the bar stools, munching on a piece of buttered toast. The taller smiled, beginning to jog himself into the kitchen.

"Good morning feathers, I see you're up early." Alex looked up, humming at his boyfriend and smiling as his cheeks were stuffed with bread. Wilbur giggled, smiling back and adoring his smaller boyfriends features as the sun lit up his face. His lightly freckled cheeks fawned his face, and his chocolate eyes sparkling as the sun hit them.

"Hey baby, I'm going to be leaving in a couple of minutes to meetup with George." Wilbur said as the smaller whined.

"Already?" Alex made a pouty face, hopping off the stool and walking his way over to the taller, hoisting him self up and wrapping his arms around his neck, burying his head into his shoulder. All Wilbur could do is chuckle, he loved when his boyfriend got all whiny and clingy, it was so adorable to him.

"I'll be back in a couple of hours okay? Make sure you eat, and stay safe." Wilbur smiled, furrowing his eyebrows as he set his lips against the smaller's gently, humming into the kiss. Alex immediately melted into it, giggling as he pulled away. Wilbur set Alex on the island, rubbing the sides of the smaller's arms before pulling away.

"I'll see you later feathers." Wilbur grinned, walked towards the door, the wood planks creaking under his feet.

"Don't do too much without me." Wilbur winked at the smaller, smiling before opening the door, closing it behind him. A blush creeped it's way onto the smaller's face, as he giggled a bit, skipping his way back to the bedroom.


1044 Words


was in a fluffy mood, now i want to make you cry with angst soon 😎

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