bratty boy.

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poético 😣


cw: slight degradation, overstimulation, car sex, ofc extremely dominant wilbur again


To simply put it, Alex was being a complete brat. He was whining, huffing, and ignoring Wilbur just because he didn't want to get out of bed today. It was only rare for the male to become an ignorant person, he was always shy and remained quiet most of the times. He's only outgoing when he's comfortable around certain people.

Wilbur and Alex had to go grocery shopping, they had almost no food in their fridge at home because neither wanted to go out a buy groceries, and now they suffer the consequences of paying more money. Alex was dressed in baggy sweatpants, and in one of Wilbur's hoodies, he really didn't want to be at a fucking BJ's, but he was forced out the house.

"Baby, can you get me two bags of random chips, we have coupons for them." Wilbur pointed to the rack of a variety of different kinds of tasty snacks. Alex glanced at the chip rack, then crossed his arms and huffed, leaning against the cart. Wilbur heard the soft breath coming from the smaller, and looked over, noticing that he hadn't put any effort of even moving closer to the rack. Wilbur was extremely patient with his boyfriend, and the smaller was tugging at his strings.

"Alex, get me the chips, I'm not going to move until you get me the fuckin' chips." Wilbur sounded more assertive, causing Alex to groan and lift himself up. He quickly tossed two random party sized bag chips into the cart, whining as he sat on the ground.

"Alex get up, you aren't a baby, unless you want to be carried around the store." Wilbur smirked, knowing that a comment like that would get the smaller off his ass immediately. Alex whined again, leaning against a nearby wall and crossing his arms.

"Willbbuuurrrr, how much longerrrr.." Alex whined again, walking up to Wilbur and shoving his face into his chest. Sure, Wilbur absolutely loved and adored his smaller boyfriend, but he had been really pissing him off that day.

"Alex, get off, you can get as much cuddles as we want when we get home, but I want to get this stupid shit done first." Wilbur groaned, lightly pushing the smaller off of him as he kept searching through the aisles of the large department store.

About another hour had passed, Wilbur had been finishing up his shopping, putting the last few items in his stuffed cart before making his way to the self checkout in the front. Alex had been walking at an extremely slow pace, half of him wanted to tick Wilbur off more, and the other half was genuinely really tired.

"Hurry up, we're almost done." Wilbur turned around to see the smaller dragging his feet, and his back slumped as he walked. Wilbur's string snapped, almost immediately pinning the smaller's wrists above his head, and bending down to whisper in his ear.

"Alex, for the last time, be a good fucking boy." Wilbur growled, letting go of the smaller's wrists gently. Alex shivered at the harsh tone of the taller's voice, arousal coursing through his body, feeling the electricity run rapidly through his blood. Alex whined quietly, as he hurried up his pace behind Wilbur, clenching the edge of the cart as Wilbur pulled the cart from the front.

Wilbur had finished checking out, and pushed the cart filled with heavy groceries to the truck that Wilbur drove. It was a shiny black, with extremely tinted windows. (😼) It was a four door truck, so it had provided a lot of space in the back and front. Alex made his way to the passenger seat as Wilbur unloaded the groceries into the back of the truck. The smaller couldn't help but rethink how Wilbur pinned him against the wall, and spoke into his ear. Alex shivered again, feeling an ache from his lower region, noticing the growing erection. The smaller whimpered as he shyly covered the bulge that formed in pants, hoping that Wilbur wouldn't notice. The taller finished unloading the groceries, as he opened the drivers door, and hopping into the drivers seat. He quickly turned the key into the ignition of the car, firing up the engine with a loud grumbling noise. Wilbur sighed, leaning back into the seat, glancing at the smaller as he had his hands on his lap, and looking out the window. Wilbur turned back to the windshield, backing out of the parking space, and quickly taking a peak into the rear mirror as he squeezed himself out.

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