first and second stage of grief.

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karlnapity gets exiled like tommy


Alex stood at the entrance of El Rapids with blood covered hands. His knuckles were bruised significantly, and tears stained his cheeks. The sun was setting, causing all the old memories to flood back to the duck hybrid.

"Sapnapppp I'm tireedd" Alex pouted, wanting to be lifted up by Sapnap. The Demon Hybrid chuckled, staring at his smaller fiance.

"What are you? Two?" Sapnap grinned, fully turning around to face the smaller.

"Actually, yes I am."  Alex's wings fluttered, smiling stupidly.

"Well go ask Karl then, I'm tired." Sapnap's response caused the Duck hybrid to whine, but then complying soon afterwards, skipping his way to his other fiance.

"Kaaaarrrl, carry me." Alex shoved his face into Karl's chest, wrapping his arms around the Taller's torso. Karl giggled, grabbing the smaller by the hips.

"Oh look at you, you're so adorable." Karl beamed, lifting the smaller's chin up, giving a light peck on his lips. Alex squirmed a bit, but then manually hoisted himself up, arms around the taller's neck, and legs wrapped around Karl's waist. Karl giggled, finding a nearby bench for the two. Karl had gently sat down, Alex on his lap now.

"Karl, I love you." Alex smiled, looking into Karl's Mocha Colored eyes.

"I love you too duckie." Karl smiled back, both of their engagement rings shining in the sun.

That was the last thing both had said to each other.

Alex fell to his knees, his blood stained button up shirt wrinkled as he fell. His head in his palms as he cried uncontrollably. The cold gold of the duck hybrids two engagement rings had hit his face, causing him to gasp softly. Alex had started at his two fingers, which had owned the rings, he remembered how he always used to love wearing the two rings no matter where he was. After the incident, Alex couldn't bare to see the love of his other two fiances plated right into the rings he had wore. The duck hybrid slowly pulled off the two rings, setting them in the palms of his hands. He clutched his hand harshly, causing his bruised knuckles to turn a shade of white. He lifted up his head, looking at the destroyed buildings, and ripped off faces of El Rapids, he hated everything, he hated being treated like a fragile toy. He was easy to get to, and feelings were easy to twist. He had let anger control him, throwing the two rings in his hand onto the grass of his old home. He wanted to try something different, Alex wanted to resort to someone he knew who he could trust.


447 Words

pt two comin out soon, prob today

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