idea of him.

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angst ?

inspired off the song idea of her by cavetown


"Hey Wilbur, what time is it for you?" Alex asked while studying some notes he had in his notebook. Law school was tough and it always got in his way with streaming or even talking to his friends. He hasn't had the chance to speak with a closer friend lately due to many assignments being late and topics to study. Alex couldn't necessarily adjust to his schedules, and it always caused stress for him. He'd tend to forget when his semesters started and often forget about his viewers.

"Ah, it's like, seven in the morning over here. What about you Alex?" You could hear Wilbur's smile through the screen. Alex jittered at the use of his real name by Wilbur. He'd often be called big Q by him, so it was sure was a surprise to called by his first name. Alex had indescribable feelings about Wilbur, he didn't necessarily like Wilbur, but he always wanted Wilbur's attention. He got jealous if he flirted with another female or male. It was odd, though he could never describe how he felt, every time someone asked how he was doing, he'd ignore the question and continue what he was doing beforehand.

"Ello, big Q? You there?" Wilbur laughed, clicking what sounded like a pen on the other side of the mic.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just uh- studying some notes I have here. I got a bit distracted." Alex partially lied, he hated to admit that he was thinking of Wilbur, though he was normally bold about his thoughts, but tonight his confidence was quite low.

"That's okay, what are you studying for Alex?" Wilbur questioned. The way Alex's name rolled off Wilbur's tongue was pure perfection. It sounded so sweet, it was like fresh honey from the hive.

"Just some chemistry notes, it's weird that we have to learn this stuff in law school, don't ya think Wilbur?" Alex giggled, his happy facade slowly turning into more of a concentrated one as he analyzed how he spoke Wilbur's name. It didn't really roll off his tongue so nicely, almost as if he was saying a slur. It made him upset to think about this, he visibly frowned at his intruding thought.

"Don't you have anything to do today? I mean it's pretty early in the morning for ya." Alex drifted his mind away from the thought, and sparked a new conversation.

"No not really, haven't been busy lately." Wilbur sighed, scribbling in a notebook beside him. A couple minutes of silence passed by, and you could hear the cicadas chirping outside from Wilbur's mic. It reminded Alex on how he cried some nights. He sounded annoying and pathetic. It made him feel sad, imagining how Wilbur would react to his ugly crying. Alex just wanted to rest, he was growing tired of these perpetrating thoughts.

"Hey Wilbur, I think I'm gonna go." Alex spoke, cringing at the way he sounded.

"Ah alright, see ya tomorrow." Wilbur smiled, leaving the call first. Alex sighed as he set his notes down and got ready for bed.



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