My Beloved part 2

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ALEX'S POV  Mature actions ahead)

"KAI WHAT THE FUCK!" I look at him completely confused.

"Hey calm down, I got worried because you weren't answering, and maybe I thought you told your boyfriend about what I said and maybe he was going to kill me." Kai gets in his car to park. "You wanna get in"

I get in the passenger seat of Kai's car. "Yeah, whatever, hmm boyfriend... Yeah, whatever. But I am sorry. It's been a hell of a night, honestly, I'm glad you're here I'm glad you decided to be a crazy person and follow me from fucking Damien's house at two something in the morning."

"I'm sorry, but what happen?" Kai looks over at me hands gripping the steering wheel.

"I asked about some scares he had on his  sides and chest. Anyways uh, he sleep with another girl it was not an accident, he went into complete detail and everything. He is so sick, it makes no sense how he played with my emotions. I don't understand how someone can say "I love you". Then describe in detail how they had sex with another girl holding your hands. Just drive"

Kai begins to drive. "Tell me what he said."

"Basically he and his cousin had some girls over, he then whispered in the girl's ear inviting her upstairs. Then he undressed her and went down kissed her chest and belly and the girl said: "be rough Damien". So he did it and she ended clawing at his abdomen in pleasure. He went into a bit more detail. I-I just feel like shit."

"It's fine what did he say when you left because it's late as fuck and I wouldn't have let you go. I would apologize, hope you still love me, wish that I could dream about our body's intertwining again, and praying that you'll take me back."

"The fun fact is, I and Damien never had sex our body's never tossed and Intertwined. He touched me I got aroused. I asked him to stop and he stopped. I remember now because on that day he said he would never cheat on me. And look now. He Said he would only cheat on me if he had doubt or feel as if I'm using him or something."

"He also said I could cheat on him. I wasn't ready, I'm so self-conscious of my appearance, I knew he was going to eventually it was my fault in a way. I wish he knew that in a way I wanted him, but I felt as if he was judging me. I mean he was sweet and slightly possessive. I liked it but I wasn't ready for him to touch the folds of my skin in such a way." I chuckle softly as the street light starts to get brighter as we go on populated streets.

"Y'all never had sex, like any serious foreplay, no teasing. But by the looks of things, if he wanted you, he would've treated you a bit better, making you feel comfortable and like he can't keep his eyes on you, have some emotional connection with your mind. Talk about what arouses you, ask him what turns him on. It's not your fault it's never your fault. It's his fault for not building a trusting and honest connection for y'all to properly fuck, I'm saying that because apparently, y'all were in love"

"Okay well true I didn't feel like he wanted me so I built small barriers."

"Has he called or texted you it's been about 20 minutes?"

I pull out my phone and check if he had said anything there is one text, it's from Damien. Yeah, He texted  "Are you okay?" That's all.

"That's fucked up he didn't come after you. No hate on ya boy, but I realized he wanted to make you jealous. For instance, he went into detail about how a girl was begging for him, to make you want what she had. It's childish and ignorant but he thinks he had you in his web that's why he only asked: "are you okay?" Instead of "baby come back, please don't go. I know I messed up. I need you, Alex." 

"Huh? Repeat the last line. " There's that click of his tongue he sounds so seductive when he says my name." 

"I want you, Alex, I needed you, no I loved you first. He hasn't treated you right. I haven't been on my best behavior either but I'm older now I'm much more of a good friend now, than when I was 13 calling you a fat slut, I was mad I Admit I felt like shit when you rejected me. I also said no one would ever like you, I mean in my mind you were mine, you were my beloved. I'm sorry to make this about me, but there was a reason I called you at night just to hear your voice. I mean when I was 14 my uh libido was working hard. At 3:00 am, but every time you would answer so I was good."

"Forget my current struggles and confess your love to me now huh? You think this is okay?"

"Well no not really but you were always my beloved. I'm old enough to tell you and not be a chicken and tell you how I feel without making it negative."

"I'm going, to be honest, you knew I liked you, I wanted you to be my boyfriend. I wanted to kiss you do everything bro like ya know "things." I told you these things before. I mean I guess we both ignored our true ideas of "us."

"Yeah and baby I'm sorry, for being an undecided brat. Forgive me, Alex."

"Baby did he- golly. I-it's fine just keep speaking to me you sexy. Damn this thought " Very true Kai, I understand it's fine." I start blushing. "Looks like we made it to your apartment."

"Your right" Kai softly chuckles. " we might have to be extra quiet because my roommates are back, okay?"

"Okay" Kai and I run up the stairs as the wind blows. Kai unlocks the door. We walk in and I see his roommates on the sofa watching a movie with candles burning."

Do you wanna go to the laundry room? I think they're on a date." I nod. As he grabs my hand leading me to the laundry room. He unlocks the door and I walk in sitting on a bench. He sits on the dryer. "So what have you been doing without me?"

I haven't been doing anything but relaxing, reading, listening to music, drawing but, that's all. What about you?

I haven't been doing much, Ya know I've been busy. Same as you listening to music, drawing, Fucking. Just the usual I mean mostly thinking about you.

Cool beans, so tell me how you and your ex broke up. Cause I wanna know.

"You're so demanding, I mean the girl on the couch yesterday was a former ex but we played around a little bit. But technically she's my first But my ex was- she was nice I mean, I cheated on her 1 month ago with Bella because Sasha was being spoiled I would say, I didn't give her what she wanted so she cheated on me and I cheated on her. I've only had sex with 2 people. Don't think I'm a whore."

"I-I don't think that. I do believe you're a good person." My phone starts to vibrate. "Damien is calling me," I answer the phone. To a deep soft voice.  I get up to walk towards Kai. Standing next to him. I put the phone on speaker letting Kai hear him.

"Are you safe, who are you with, do you still love me? Please answer. I am hurting baby, please answer me. I love you."

"It's all good." I hang up as I my eyes begin to water.

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