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Alex's POV

A few moments later I left the hotel room to explore without being on a leash, I admit Damien is clingy but that's only when he's horny or sleepy maybe he's  insecure about me leaving? Nope, I'm fat I'm the insecure one. I'm glad I grabbed my bathing suit from the hotel I'm going swimming alone without being followed and stalked, like eww. I made my way down to the pool and having my bathing suit under my shirt and shorts. I really needed a shot of courage, but I'm a big girl. I made it to the hotel pool. I took off my shirt and shorts and sat on the edge putting my feet in the water, as I feel someone sit next to me.

"Hey," Hunter said sitting next to me.

I look up seeing hunter. "What's up, Hunter? My name is Alex"

"Why did you say it like that, well I mean my real name is Jerome."

" Wait, why did you say your name is Hunter?"

"Same reason I have to put my locs into a bun, hide my tattoos. To impress these white people, and so they can not think I'm some "hood thug, from the ghetto." I needed this job, I get tipped so much, by just smiling. I got tipped 2,000 dollars by a football player, I become an actor when I'm out there." I smile at Jerome, he smiles back.

"That's tuff, and are you staying here or something?"

"Yeah the very top 3 floors are lofts, and after I graduated I moved in here, work is right downstairs. Also, your dude must be some big shot or something, bringing you here and shit, he clutched you like a purse, girlie. I'm like damn, I'm not trying to steal you. Even though your worth taking." I push Jerome gently as he licked his lips giving me aside a smile.

"Oh, Damien he just acts like that, don't mind him.  You look kinda different from last night."

"Well Alex, I have to become an actor in a way, have a little flamboyant and slightly shy manner of talking. Instead of speaking how I normally speak basically not "properly speaking" or being fluent in speaking."

"Explain, please?" Jerome's voice lowers becomes deeper naturally and his shoulders relax as he looks my way his eyes become relax.

"Hey my name is Jerome, I'll be your server for. Today, what would you have today, miss? Cause I wish I could have you."

"Um is this how you talk to all the new girls or not, cause you like another person. And I see you have a full sleeve and a fair amount of tattoos."Jerome looks up at me as he smiles his dimples become noticeable and his braces show.

"Thanks my tattoos have meanings and I have to cover them up to be professional and not be looked at like a gangster, but you see what I mean about the whole acting thing, because Jerome is a cocky, I don't give a fuck type, of man and I get what I want. but Hunter is a nice kind, intelligent young man, trying to make it in the world a strong independent man. But anyways girlie, you really are fine and I just thought you should know. You should really let me know you."Jerome's eyes wonder and travel around my body.

"Wow thanks," I say while trying to cover my blushing cheeks. I scoot into the pool getting in,  causing a distraction in a way.

"You want me to get in Miss."

"I'm just in trying to cool off. Cause Woah, it's hot in here." I awkwardly chuckle, blushing.

"Your really cute blushing it makes you look innocent. Like you looked last night when, your boyfriend rubbed yours. Ya know. I see things, I notice a lot, like your not lactose intolerant your panties were just wet."

"Oh, my gosh Jerome what, why, how. Pause just oh Lordy, gosh. I can't. Anyways you don't even know how old I am. I know nothing about you."

"Well I just turned 21 and you are? I have a daughter she's 3 and I have full custody of her because her mama ain't shit."

"I'm 18 and, oh damn you have a kid? What's her name." I smile At Jerome.

"Cool, you tryna be her stepmama, and her name is Entoinette."

"Awe her name is so pretty and nice. Where is she?"

"She's with my mom, you still didn't answer my question." Jerome stands up, and looks down at me. " I gotta go girlie, I'll see you around hopefully." 

I swim around a bit. Thinking about attraction, but attraction is something no one understands. In reality, no one understands beauty or attraction. But we know what we like and what makes our body and mind think and believe what we 'like, or feel'. As humans we allow society to determine what's ugly and pretty, but it doesn't exist. I get out of the pool, grabbing my towel heading back to the suit with my belongings. I swipe the keycard and get in. I look around and I don't see Damien, I take my bathing suit off and get in the shower. Washing my hair and body. I get out blowdrying my hair. After fall asleep wearing nothing. As the warm feeling from the hairdryer made me fall asleep.

"Get up sugar, Alex get up." I hear Damien say as he rubs my shoulder. Pulling the blanket back exposing my body to the cold air. I get up pulling the cover over my body wrapping it around tightly falling back to sleep. Damien gets in the bed and pulls me close to his body, I let out a groan, as he wraps his arm around my cover body. "I love you," Damien says with his voice low and soft. I turn around and look At him.

"Why are you bothering me?"

"Because I can." Damien kisses me roughly, biting my lip. I. I pull back as he tightly holds the back of my neck taking my mouth. he slowly releases. "You would not like it if I was flirting with some girl, would you?"

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