The Night

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Alex's POV

Damien begins to nibble my neck, I sit in complete silence. His hand goes up touching my flower. "Do you love me?" Damien grips my thigh tightly, Lifts his head from my neck, looking at me with his jaw clenched.

"Yes." I say with little hesitation. The waiter comes back to the table with the food. Damien wraps his arm around me placing his hand on my hip. Damien stares at the waiter smiling.

"Hey here's your scampi and salad ma'am and here's your Ribeye sir. Your desert will be out just allow me to know when your ready. " The waiter walks away with a smile and wink at me.

Damien and I eat our food in complete silence. I have a small bite of pasta left. I push my plate to the end Damien does the same leaving a few bites of food behind.

"Was it good baby? We have 5 days here alone together, there's a private pool I've reserved for us, for 3 nights. We have everything we need here, well I got everything we need."

"Awe that's very kind of you, thank you. Even though you hurt my feelings badly less than 24 hours ago, but Yeah it was good. I can't be so selfish, I hurt you too, I'm sorry for that."

"It's okay darling." Damiens leans in for a kiss, I turn my head as the waiter stands in front of me. Damien grips my love handle firmly.

"Here's you apple pie miss, and your homemade ice cream." Damien takes a spoon and digs into the cold ice cream and warm pie. He takes a small bite off of the spoon, then feeds me.

"Thank you so much Hunter, this is so good, very tasty. Thanks for being our waiter." I say politely and softly. Hunter walks away. Damiens whispers in my ear, "I bet you taste, sweeter."

"R-really?" I begin to have a sudden arousal, licking my bottom lip, slowly eating small bites of the pie.

"Yeah, you should let me try." Damien smiles as he kisses me leaving small kisses on my face. Causing me to gasp. I tap Damiens knee as a gesture to stop. As we are being eyed by several couples in the restaurant. Damien whispers in my ear, "I am not going to stop, when I feel you grinding in your seat. It's natural sugar, I'll pay and we can go to our suite."

"Okay, but you caused it, I wanted to finish my free dessert." Damien moves my hand up to his crotch and scoots me closer.

"And I'm claiming that. Let me settle that hunger you have. I know you want it." Damien grazes my vulva as he kisses my earlobe. I let out a small moan" and quickly covers my mouth. My face becomes a vibrant red. The waiter walks towards the table, while Damiens hand is resting on my bits. I hold back any sounds I want to make.

"Here's your bill sir, and miss are you okay?" I nod my head yes. As I squeeze my large thighs hoping he would remove his hand but it stays."

"Yeah she's fine, she's just sensitive, that's all." Damien smiles showing his dimples at the waiter.

"O-oh of course the dairy. Well ma'am if you were lactose we have wonderfull vegan and lactose free options." Damien slowly removes his hand from between my legs and pays the bill tipping the waiter. Damien and I proceeded to leave the restaurant. He leads me to an elevator. We get in. Damien pushes me against the elevator wall. He walks towards me slowly.

"W-well, w-we're on c-c-camera D-damien." Damien is against me. I feel his hard belt buckle on my belly.

"Okay and? We're going to the 49th floor. Your gonna let me have my desert, sugar?" Damien wraps his strong arms around me squeezing and massaging my bottom. "Damn your ass is so big and soft." Damien kisses me softly. As my body is frozen from his attention. I whimper as he kisses me.

"Y-yes, y-you can." I begin to breath a bit heavy, as Damien rubs my hips and rear.

"Your so sensitive, your going to be screaming my name if I just lick your thigh.I've touched you before but your acting very needy, you want more?"

I slam my lips onto his. Damien holds the back of my neck. Showing who's in charge of the kiss. Damien teasingly bites my bottom lip. We arrive to  the 49th floor it seems like we've been on the elevator for a long time.

"Room 747 is ours." We make our way into the room. I look around and it looks like a studio apartment with stainless steel appliances a sofa and a California king-size mattress.

"Damien I said stop spending money on me, your too young to spend money on a nobody like me." Damien stares at me with his eyes lower and seemed as if they were sunken in.

"Stop fucking telling me what to do and, how to do it. Your not the fucking boss of me. Do you understand that?"

"Y-Yes sir, I need to shower and go to sleep. It's been a long day."

"We're showering, it's no more 'I' when we're together. Now can I undress you?" Damien walks up to me and being to lift my shirt, and unfasten my bra, I breath heavy my chest is moving rapidly. Damien leans down and licks my chest circling my areola. I hold my mouth shut as he stares at me into my eyes giving me one that submissive look he gave one before. Damien then pulls down my pants exposing my stomach. And thighs. I hesitate moving backward slowly.

"Where you going, I'm not even doing much, look at you, making me excited. I know it's there's. Everyone has a belly, yours is just plush and soft like a pillow. It's okay." Damien walks towards me getting on his knees. Damien kisses my belly and my thighs, he turns me around and kisses my bottom. He gets up and kisses my shoulders. I feel Damien press against me. He then whispers in my ear, "get in the fucking shower." I see Damien take his shirt off reveling his sculpted chest, leaving his small gold necklace on. "Go get in the fuck in the shower don't wait." I walk to the bathroom and get in the shower Turing on the water. Feel a warm presents behind me.

"Now can I bathe you?" Damien grabs a towel and soap and begins to wash my body as I face away from him, he washes my body from head to toe between every crack and fold. He runs his hand though my vulva, opening the split. With his bare hand. I feel him run his fingers though my labia allowing water to reach and rinse the soap away, he uses a towel to clean and scrub. Spreading my cheeks using the towel to make suds he washes me clean. " I know how sensitive lady bits are so I didn't use a towel when I washed down there. The soap I'm using is a antibacterial soap made for all body use."

"Cool, doo you want me to w-wash you now?" I turn around and look at Damien from his chest up avoiding seeing his member.

"No I'll wash myself love," Damien gets in front of me near the water, I wash behind my ears and the small places I like to get.

"That's a fat ass you got there boy." Damien chuckles softly.

"You can get out, your clean," Damien turns around reviling his tool. "Oh man, you still got soap on you. Damien rinses the soap off of my body. I heave as I feel his warm body against mine. When finished I get out the shower.

"Don't forget between them bubbly cheeks." I walk and grab a towel from the rack. I then dry off and see clothes on the bed laid out there pajamas there's a nights gown and underwear. I put on the clothes and get under the covers and feel a sudden tiredness over me.

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